Gandhari's decision

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Karna was about to plunge the knife into Jayadrath's eyes but he stopped himself at last moment ,he thought about the consequences of his actions,though Jayadrath must be killed for what he did but he is a guest in Hastinapur and killing him in the palace would bring war upon Hastinapur ,it will also put him and his family in danger. He was not worried about himself but he could not let his ma ,baba and Shakti suffer.
He removed the knife and said,
"Today I stopped my sister and also not punishing you myself ,but remember this day and what you did ,if you tried to do something like this to anyone again ,I will kill you with my own hands and no power in the whole world would be able to stop me." Jayadrath nodded meekly.He pushed Jayadrath to the ground and stood up.
Pandavas and Bhishma who were moving towards them ,to try to stop him from killing Jayadrath,stopped their steps.
Karna went towards Mahamahim and said,
" You must know what has happened here today is really shameful for you royals, whose citizens are not save even in the palace , let alone on the streets.
I hope you know what needs to be done ,for once follow dharma instead of blindly following the crown."

Bhishma understood upto some extent that karna was right but he still was thinking about his duty for the kingdom.he did not wanted to make a situation that will bring forth war,so he said,
"You two go home now,I will take care of things here."

"Yes you will."replied karna confidently."he continued further,
"Mahamahim ,I may not have much knowledge about kingdom and politics but if Hastinapur needs the support of such kings and his kingdom in making Hastinapur stronger than the future of this kingdom is going to be pitch black and adharm would prevail in here."he warned.

Bheem started talking in his ignorance,
"How dare you suta Putra ,are you trying to question the judgement and knowledge of pitamah?"

Yudhisthira knew that if they argued with karna at this point ,they will have to face his wrath and he was not ready for that and did not wanted his brothers to in danger either.

"Bheem, stay silent , this matter would be discussed further in rayja sabha."

Bheem looked at his elder brother in disbelief,but stayed silent.

Then Shakti went towards Dushala and maharani Gandhari .

"I am sorry shakti ,this has happened because of me ,as I invited you to the palace."

"No,princess ,you have not done anything wrong,the person who did wrong is right there ."
Said Shakti point towards Jayadrath ,who was cowering in corner, clutching his hand.

"Maharani , I request you to please think about the future of your daughter, talk to her.You are her mother and understand her heart the best. Please you can only fight for her bright future.please"

Saying this both karna and Shakti moved to go out of the palace.


Sahadeva was feeling really bad after what happened and wanted to talk to karna and Shakti and apologize to them. So ,he followed them,while Mahamahim, rest of the Pandavas and Duryodhana ,with his brothers picked Jayadrath up and took him to the royal court to discuss next course of action.

He found karna and Shakti just outside the palace , below a large tree ,sitting on boulders and talking ,Shakti seemed to be in tears and karna hugging her and consoling her.
Sahadev understood that though nothing happened ,such incident would leave any girl Shaken ,he went near them and said,

"I am sorry for what happened, Devi Shakti and maharathi karna."

"Prince Sahadeva, pranipat,what are you doing here?"karna asked leaving Shakti ,who wiped her tears profusely,she did not wanted anyone other than karna to see her crying.

"I wanted to make sure devi Shakti is alright , so I followed you from the palace,I am sorry."

"It's alright prince sahadeva, I am fine ,please get back to the palace ,your brothers will worry about you."replied Shakti.

"I want to apologise for my brothers misbehavior also,they should not have said or done things , they did especially to you Maharathi karna ."

"Prince sahadeva ,you have never misbehaved with me or us , so, you don't need to apologise. "

"But I do,I think both of your are really talented and have righteous mindset, the concept of equality and justice that you talk about is really fascinating,I want to learn more from you two."

"Really prince ,you want to learn from us ,will this not go against the beliefs , you are brought up with and what about your brothers,will it not cause a rift between the Pandavas."

I don't have any problem in learning from a person who clearly have better understanding of things than me ,they may be of any status and about my brothers ,I think one day they will understand their wrongdoing,untill then could I become friends with you two?" Asked sahdev.

"Ok,we are friends now but let's keep it a secret from your brothers for now,we don't want to be the reason of quarrel between brothers." Said Shakti.

"But,don't think of us to always take your side ,if you are wrong ,we will tell you that and help you mend your ways ,you can do the same with us and we will be their to help and protect you too but if you do any adharm than we will fight you as well " karna added.

Sahadev smiled and nodded , "we are friends now,you can call me sahadev when we are alone."

"And you should call me Shakti ....not Devi Shakti ,it sounds like I  am really old."shakti said .

"Ok,"sahadev said and laughed,see him laughing Shakti started to laugh to and finally karna laughed ,seeing too younger persons happy ,he was happy too.

"Would you call my dada ,dada too ,sahadeva ?"

Shakti asked innocently,karna looked stumped.

"Dada, does it means big brother? I heard you calling him that".
"Yes ,it does ,"Shakti replied.

"You don't need to call me anything ...I mean karna is fine."

"No you are older than me and also taught us like elder brother during the Panchal war ,I like it ... if you don't mind, I will call you dada only, ofcourse when we are alone for now."

"He does not mind,it is decided than,welcome to that family sahadev."

Karna could not say anything anymore, weirdly sahadev calling him dada felt right in his heart,he smiled.he knew Shakti was doing this for a readon.
After sometime,
Sahadeva went back to the palace.
karna and shakti went to their practice area in the forest as they could not go home just yet ,they did not wanted to worry radhama and baba , adhiratha baba being sick ,so they decided to not tell them what happened today at the palace.


As sahadev reached the palace a fierce discussion was going on and what he heard made him proud.

"No, maharaj, I as a Mather and maharani of Hastinapur is putting my foot down on this matter and ordering you to sent Sindhu raj back to his kingdom as there would be no marriage alliance with him ,if he can think even a little bit,he would not pursue this matter further because if the truth is revealed to the world,his honour would demenish and don't even think about punishing Shakti and karna in any way on this matter,if Jayadrath tries to get them punished, because he will,tell  him that in our kingdom we don't punish the victim and protectors . They have saved our daughter's future today and that is final."

"But Gandhari...."king Drithrastra started but cut off by Bhisma.

"This matter would be handled as you said putri."replied Bhishma.

So, Sindhu raj was sent back but he swore in his mind to take revenge from Shakti and karna one day.

Dushala was very happy as she would be able to get her wish fulfilled now ,she thanked her mother and hugged her .

In the evening,Nakula asked sahdev where he disappeared to today, to which sahadev replied mysteriously.
" I went to find happiness."

And left from there to go to library ,leaving Nakul confused and wondering what his twin was talking about.

Thank you
Love you all

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