wedding preparations

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Next day ,swyamvar was held and the prince, Dushala liked did attend,he also liked her, Dushala choose him and it was decided that the groom will stay for one night and next day the marriage will take place.

The groom was a crown prince of neighbouring small kingdom ,called Sanatan puri and his name was Sanatankumar.
He was a handsome,wise and brave person,who will keep Dushala happy. So, everyone was also happy with the wedding.

Karna was nervous to say the least ,after knowing the truth he had no idea how to face the pandavas and kauravas,he will not call them his brothers ,no even in his mind... because they were not ,he only had one sibling that is Shakti and
That's it....and thinking about Kunti was altogether a different emotion,sadness, despair,anger and what not.
At this point ,a hand came to rest on his shoulder and he looked to his side finding Shakti standing and silently giving him all the strength he needed with her eyes.he saw his parents lovingly taking to each other and smiling ,when they looked at their children,he wanted to tell them the truth but decided against it because whatever the truth was,nothing is going to change ,this is his family ,his home and his happiness.he knew in that moment that shakti could understand ,what he was going through and will stand by him.he took a deep breath and went towards the palace.he had a family to unite.

During the preparation karna deliberately tried to make kaurava and pandava prince work together ,be it deciding the seating arrangement or making decisions regarding food or guest stay.he would deliberately ask questions and let both the sides of princes to decide together. They were small victories and would not make a difference but he would take what he could for now.
Shakti was with Dushala along with Subhadra ,who was teasing Dushala very much ,seeing Dushala blush and the playfulness of both the princess made Shakti smile.this was the first time,she has been doing such girly stuff and enjoying  it.

Karna was taking a break in the garden ,when sahadev approached him with herbal medicine for his foot.

"Dada,how is your feet? Sorry ,that you got hurt. Here , I have bought some medicinal paste for you ,it will help in healing faster.let me apply it for you."sahadeva said concerned.

Karna looked at him ,he used to like Sahadev genuinely but for the first time, he saw his youngest brother and felt proud and loving towards sahadev. He felt a fatherly feeling pass over himself and thought that how much younger sahadeva looks,he must only be a year or two older than Shakti.karna thought. Karna wanted to hug him but schooled his expressions and said,

"Prince Sahadeva, someone might hear you ,please be careful...and thanks for your concern but I am fine really,don't worry." He took the medicine from the prince and promised him to apply it later ,karna has always had the ability to heal faster than the others ,now he knows why, because of the kavach and kundal given to him by his celestial father...but that does not meant that the injuries hurt any less or didn't bother him.

Sahadeva nodded and they both smiled each other.
Sahadev then left to prepare for his sister's wedding.


Duryodhana finally noticed how s injury and asked if he got hurt during the fight the other day,karna did not replied but it was enough for Duryodhana to go on a guilt trip,he apologized to karna as he believed that he was not able to keep his promise to karna's parents.
Karna told him that he was fine and the prince has not broken his promise ,so don't feel guilty.

Seeing Duryodhana and karna getting close , Bhishma worried.
Karna was giving the final touches to the mandap when he heard Krishna's voice.

"You have done a very good job ,Radhey. The mandap looks very beautiful,as if you have prepared it for your own sister's marriage."

Karna gave him a surprised but happy look and saw the pandavas standing behind Krishna giving him a scandalous look ,other then sahadeva, they all looked as if Krishna has said something preposterous suggesting Dushala be a suta's sister.

"On the mention of a sister,where is my shishya ,your sister Shakti ,Radhey?" Krishna asked mischeviously.

"I am right here , Gurudev, Pranipat." Said Shakti coming from behind.

"So,have you met my Subhadra yet ,shishya.i wanted to introduce you two,so you can be friends." Said Krishna.

"Yes ,I did and Subhadra jiji is already my friend ,she is so funny and nice."shakti replied

On seeing such a familiarity between karna,Shakti and krishna pandavas were taken aback ,they could not believe their eyes and their mouth hanged open ,except for sahadev .

"What is going on,how could she be your shishya , Vasudev? "Asked Bheem.

"Why not,she deserves all the knowledge ,I could impart on her ,and it is my right, whom I choose as a disciple ,so what is the problem here , Bharata Bheem." Said krishna calmly with conviction.

"But..but...she is a suta.this  suta's sister."said Nakul pointing towards karna.

To which Arjun nodded.
They could not understand ,what Krishna was seeing in these two. Especially Arjun ,he thought Krishna will give all the importance to him but seeing vasudev being friends with karna was making Arjun jealous and increasing his hate towards karna.

"Please refrain from saying anything else about my sister,prince nakul.yes we are suta and we are proud of it ,how long will it take you to understand that caste does not make a person capable or is the person's own qualities." Said karna calmly.
He did not wanted to have any fight.

"Come on let's go ,dada..I came here to take you home ,it is late, Radha ma must be waiting for us." Shakti said ignoring the princes .

"Pranipat , Govind."
"Pranipat, Gurudev"
Both Shakti and karna said and went home.
Krishna also said pranipat and looked at them leaving.

But the Pandavas,except sahadeva, thought that they were insulted right now by the duo and wanted to make them pay for it.

Take care bye

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