What Draupadi thinks!

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"Pranipat Maharaj Draupad,prince ,thank you for helping my sister and letting us stay here." Said karna.
Draupad invited karna to have a seat and some refreshments,which he accepted politely,but did not eat more than two three bites.

"It is not at all a problem, Maharaj karna ,you are Madhav's friend and it is an honour to have you as guest."said Draupad.

"We have recently heard about the kingdom of Suryanagar and how you have established it after killing mundaasur,whom many great warriors could not kill ,you must possess great strength and courage."
Said Draupad.

"Yes, Maharaj karna ,I am very impressed with the tales of your valour, please train with me sometimes,while you are here and teach me some moves."said Dhrishtadymna.

"I have not done anything special maharaj but thank you for your praise.
Sure prince,why not!... It would be great to practice with you...... But I have seen that the preparations of some occasion are going on , may I ask what is the occasion and if I am not intruding in any way?" Asked karna.
"No, your presence and your sister's is not a bother ,yes we are preparing for a occasion , actually in few days my daughter Draupad's swyamvar is going to be arranged." Replied Draupad.

"Then it is a matter of great importance to you ,maharaj. Please let me know if I can help you in any way.
I shall take your leave now ,I don't wish to leave Shakti alone for a longer time. Pranipat." Said karna and took his leave.

After karna has left the chambers Draupad turned to Krishna, Draupad was trying to figure out karna while they talked and he found him , humble but a wise and strong person. And if the news of Suryanagar's prosperity are true ,which they are,karna was a great king indeed.
In reality Draupad had sent the invitation of Draupadi's Swayamvar to Suryanagar also,he knew that karna was a suta Putra and only recently has became a king after killing mundaasur ,but Draupad never cared about caste, he only wanted his son in law to be a great warrior ,and karna had that power...but the messenger returned with a letter from prime minister Yukti apologizing that the king has left the kingdom to attend to some important matter and would not return for at least a month.
Draupad initially thought of this as a insult but today after meeting karna ,he knew that what was written in the letter was true. Karna never knew about the invitation then.draupad concluded.
He has also tried to read karna's expression about the Swayamvar's news earlier and found him not at all bothered by the fact that all the kings and princes form whole aryavrata were called but he was not,any other person would feel insulted.
Draupad found him almost indifferent about the situation ,so he hesitated to talk to him about this matter earlier.
That's why, now he was requesting krishna to ask karna to take part in the Swayamvar and explain the situation properly to him.
Now that Arjun was dead ,karna was a good candidate to be his son in law.
Krishan assured Draupad that karna would never feel insulted because of such petty things but Krishna would still talk to him .
He also told Draupad not to have high hopes about karna taking part beacause he had already promised someone to marry only her and karna never ever breaks his promise.
Draupad sighed and asked Krishna ,who would his daughter marry then Krishan told him not to worry and whatever is her destiny would happen.
Draupad nodded seriously.

Next day ,karna was going towards shakti's room after doing his morning Suryanarayan's worship.
He was in a hurry when Krishna came towards him and asked to talk to him ,
Krishna explained to him how maharaj Draupad had sent an invitation of Draupadi's Swayamvar to Suryanagar but since he was not present there ,the invitation could not be accepted but fate has brought him here anyway,and Draupad wants him to take part in Draupadi's Swayamvar,that is why he has sent Krishna himself to talk to him.
Karna listened to what Krishna had to say,and thought not fate ,it's you Prabhu, who does everything in this world but then replied in negative on the matter of attenting the Swayamvar.
"The princess is considered as the most beautiful women in whole aryavrata,  and you must have heard the tales of her beauty ,aren't you a little bit interested ,Radhey?
It would be a piece of cake for you to win this competition." Provoked Krishna .

"I am sure Govind that she is very beautiful,and don't mean any disrespect to the princess, but for me someone else is the most beautiful women in whole universe." Replied karna.

"Oh....yes,yes......you have already promised Vrushali Bhabhishri to marry only her ,and Maharathi karna always keeps his promises." Krishan said with a mischievious glint in his eyes.

"How do you...... ofcourse you know ...you know everything!
Yes ,my heart ,soul and my everything belongs to Vrushali only and she would be my one and only wife someday." Declared karna.

"I will not push you further and let king Draupad know about your decision,he will understand but you will have to attend the Swayamvar as a guest ,not a participant ,with me,don't say no to that. Bhai......Radhey." Krishna said.

"I cannot leave Shakti alone ,you go and enjoy the show ,I would rather stay near her."

"Shakti is going to be fine.....the least you can do is attend the competition ,so that Maharaj Draupad feel that you are not offended in anyway."

"Fine,I will attend the competition for a shorter period of time ....now, I must go and check on Shakti ,I hope she did not not got any fever." Karna said.

"Let's go together,I also want to check upon my shishya." Both of them went towards shakti's room after that ,not knowing that someone had accidentally listened to their conversation.
Draupadi has came to know about the arrival of some guests from her dasis , a man and a girl.
She was confused ,does the participants for her Swayamvar started to arrive already?....she thought she had few more days with her family. But her elder sister shikhandi told her that these guests were not here for her Swayamvar but because of a medical emergency. She told Draupadi that the king of Suryanagar ,karna and his sister, shakti were on a journey ,on the road Shakti got bit by a poisonous snake,though the poison was removed,she still needed to rest for a few days ,since Panchal was near....Krishna went and brought the siblings here ,so that Shakti could recover.
Draupadi felt emotional hearing this and decided to go check on Shakti's health ,as a good host. She also thought that as a girl ,she could take care of certain needs of Shakti better than anyone else.
She was on her way of visiting shakti when she heared two persons talking that too about her, she got curious and listened to their conversation while hiding behind a pillar.
Krishna and this other person ,who was apparently the king of Suryanagar were talking about him not being able to receive the invitation sent to him for her Swayamvar, but her father wanted him to attend ,so eagerly that he has sent Krishna to talk to this person and the way  these two were talking ,the familiarity and with no sugar coating ,Draupadi understood that  Krishna knew this man closely,may be they were friends or best friends.
But he simply declined,at first this made her very angry .

Ok....so...he is a king of some random kingdom and her father wanted him to participate and according to Krishna he could win ,so he must be feeling rather arrogant about himself that is why he is saying no ,just to make them feel lesser of him and fulfill his every wish but that is not going to happen ,she will not allow it.

But what she heard next made her anger disappear.she berated herself for jumping to the conclusion without knowing all the facts.
He was saying no because he had already promised someone to marry her and though kings had many wives ,he will not make another women his but but only her ....someone by the name of Vrushali.
She felt genuine respect for
Maharathi karna after listening to this...and may be little jealous of Vrushali, because she knew she could not ask such a wish from her husband to be and even if she asked ,the chances of them agreeing would be very low.
She also found him really caring and protective ,the way he worried about shakti,his sister.
She decided that though Maharathi karna could not become her husband ,also she already likes Arjun but
She could atleast make him an ally.
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Happy Deepavali to all.
May your all wishes get fulfilled
Smile alot.
Byeeeeee ❤️☘️😇

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