Journey to Panchal

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Journey started with all 106 prince ( yuyutsu including) and karna with Dronacharya,sakuni and ashwatthama traveling towards Panchal on chariots and horses.karna was on a black horse ,which was his own ,the horse was his friend named Vayujit.
Sakuni and Duryodhana were intermitently glancing  towards him as if he was a precious gem,which they could barter to gain wealth.
On the other hand Bheem ,Arjuna , Nakula and Dronacharya were looking towards him with contempt.
What enticed him the most was the youngest pandav prince Sahadeva, he was looking at him as if karna was a puzzle , the ultimate secret that was needed to reveal or solved.
He sighed and decided to ignore all the princes and focus on the road ahead ,he was not going to entertain any of these pampered princes or cater to their demands.


They had reached Panchal and settled a camp outside the borders of the kingdom.
Dronacharya and ashwatthama stayed behind in a nearby village and will only join them ,when the news of Draupad's defeat would reach drona.
After resting a bit and having dinner, all the Pandavas along with Duryodhana, sakuni, vikarn, yuyutsu, dushashan were planning stratergy for tomorrow's attack....but in two groups.
Karna entered the tent and all went silent , all eyes fall on him.
"What are you doing here,karna ?" Asked yudhisthira with a scandalous look on his face.

"Yes, sutaputra ,go and help our servents in cleaning dinner table and making arrangements for our sleep. "Said Bheem mocking karna ,he and his brothers never liked the idea of karna coming to Panchal with them.

"Afterall, it is your duty to serve us." Said Nakula.

"Yes ,go and bring us some sura ." Said dushashan.

"What are you exactly doing here,you don't belong in this camp." Exclaimed Arjuna.

"First of all prince Bheem ,Nakula and dushashan ...I serve no one ,so if you want something done ,do it yourself or ask someone for help.secondly prince yudhisthira and prince Arjun, If you have forgotten ,I do belong here, according to the orders of my Gurudev , I am supposed to help you plan strategy for the upcoming war and if I am not wrong that is what you guys are discussing here ,so I came here."

"We don't need your help in planning anything ,do you even have a bit of knowledge about warfare and Chakravyuh formation, that you are thinking of suggesting us anything.just leave." Said Arjun's full of anger.

"Let Maharathi karna be a part of the discussion prince ,afterall he was sent especially by lord Parshuram." Said sakuni cunningly,trying to gain favour from karna.

"Yes ,you are right, mamashree,come on Maharathi karna ,join our discussion."said Duryodhana.
Yuyutsu and vikarn nodded.

"Hmm...let's see ,what you guys have planned so far."said karna joining Duryodhana and his gang in the discussion but actually he had something else prepared for tonight.



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