Filler eleven

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Shakti had been running a fever, since previous night and karna was distressed, Krishna was also present, when a dasi came announced that princess Draupadi was asking for the permission to enter,karna was confused as to why the princess would visit, Krishna on the other hand ,told the dasi to bring in Draupadi.
Draupadi entered with a slight smile on her lips and said,
" pranipat Maharaj karna,I am Yagyaseni , daughter of maharaj Draupad,princess of southern Panchala. I am here to check on princess shakti's condition and to see if I could be of any help,how is she now?"

Before karna could say anything,Krishna said,
"That is so kind of you shakhi , Shakti is feverish since last night and look at Radhey ,he has not had any rest , you taking care of shakti would be good for both of them."

", don't have to bother princess with our matter." Karna said ,while he stood up And than he turned towards Draupadi,"Princess,you must have many other things to be worried about,I have got everything under control here, so don't worry."

Draupadi was looking towards karna ,while he was addressing to her, karna looked at her face but his eyes were filled with respect, being their in his presence did not made her uncomfortable in any way.

"How could I not ,you are a guest at our palace and if you feel any discomfort than it is my duty to take care of it, as a good host."
"Athithi Devon Bhava"
Please give permission to come and visit Shakti to take care of her,I promise I will try my best....and will not disappoint you."

Krishna nodded towards karna direction and finally karna agreed, Draupadi went near Shakti and started to tend to her.

One day Draupadi went shiva temple , and saw karna doing his Surya worship,he himself looked divine to her,like a small sun.
He gave donation after that and even fed the hungry kids and old peoples present, Draupadi found him very kind.She also saw him helping some brahmins ,while they were transferring mud on a chariot and their chariot got stuck ,she saw him smiling towards them.

Now,Shakti was recovering well and her wound had healed,she had not suffered with fever again ,and was conscious,she still needed rest though and spent most of the time sleeping

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Now,Shakti was recovering well and her wound had healed,she had not suffered with fever again ,and was conscious,she still needed rest though and spent most of the time sleeping.

Draupadi liked Shakti very much ,she was so mature but also innocent at the same time ,Draupadi thought.
Shakti started to call her jiji and liked her very much.

Karna was thankful towards Draupadi and they both become well acquainted,and liked each other's company without feeling uncomfortable.
Finally, the day of Draupadi's Swayamvar arrived.

Pandavas had arrived in Panchala and started to work for a Potter. They would bring him mud for doing pottery ,from the back of the temple, there Arjun got a glimpse of Rajkumar Draupadi and she also saw him for the first time.
Thus , making her faith of Pandavas being alive true.

One day pandavas were doing their work ,when they
Came to know that princess Swayamvar is going to happen and everyone would get free food at the venue ,they on Bheem's insistance decided to visit.

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