Filler seven

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Karna felt that Shakti was distressed since yesterday and she is not at home,she went outside saying that she is going to visit the temple but he knew she has went to the practice arena and has not returned yet, he decided to go and check despite his injury,he told his mother that he was fine and not going anywhere far.

This is how he end up accidentally evasdroping on a conversation between Shakti and someone else ,he does not know who this other person was ,but Shakti was talking to him in a friendly manner ,he was able to listen only the last part of the conversation and what he heard took away his breath,it felt like whole world had started to crumble down upon him and he has no place to escape.

"But ,it still hurts me to see  dada like this, he does not shows it but it hurts him everytime,how could  Rajmata Kunti remain silent after hearing her eldest son getting hurt and insulted like this ,why can't she tell her other sons ,the pandavas that whom they are insulting is their eldest brother ,mantra Prasad of Suryanarayan himself and deserve the love and respect equal to their father."

Shakti could not believe that her dada was standing infront of them and he looked devastated, how much if the conversation  did he heard ,she thought...she went towards him and asked,

"Dada ,what are you doing here ,you are hurt ?"

"I came to check up on you."karna replied almost robotically with showing any emotions.
Shakti wanted to make him sit on a rock ,so his injured leg gets some rest ,she moved forward but to her agony ,her dada took a step backwards away from her as if considering her a fraud.

He was about to fall but was supported by someone from behind ,Krishna has stopped him from falling and was looking towards him.karna looked into dwarkadish's eyes and found compassion and empathy both directed towards him .he felt lucky but was still agonised about the truth as he should be.

karna's struggle: fulfilling the destinyWhere stories live. Discover now