Adhiratha's dilemma and karna's plan

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Adhirath started to start walking towards his home,he was deep in thought ,he was thinking how he would be able to uproot his family from their ancestral home and take away without any means of livelihood,but he was sure of one thing that his family would stick together and karna will take care of them in every way ,he can.
He decided to talk to everyone ,when he gets a chance.

Karna was thinking about what Uday told him,what it could mean.
He tried to find some information about Purochan first. He decided to talk to the manual labourers ,who generally worked with architects.
Upon talking to some of them ,he came to know that Purochan was a corrupt architect,who usually worked for royals and high class peoples ,he would make the workers work double but pay them half of the wages ,and if workers said anything ,he would threaten them.

Karna felt very angry but to get more information ,he asked if any of the workers knew about what Purochan was working on right now.
The workers could believe in karna because everyone in the kingdom came to know about the incident in which karna helped the tribals ,also they have seen karna work in his market shop ,they knew he was a suta and helped others every chance ,he got ,he was well liked by the peoples in neighbourhood.

They told him that he was building a palace in Varnavrat right now....and one of them mentioned that it is being built because a royal ordered it .

On hearing the name of Varnavrat, something clicked in karna's mind.... isn't it the place sahadev was talking about,that the Pandavas and Kunti going to visit .
May be it is a conspiracy,may be against Pandavas but who would do such a thing?
He didn't think Duryodhana would do such a thing ,It could be sakuni or dushashan ,he thought?
He could judge people very well and knew that shakuni and dushashan were evil?

Thinking all this,he went towards his shop for the day's work ,but the thought of a conspiracy against Pandavas was not leaving his mind.

Shakti visited karna with his lunch at the shop ,she was very excited to go Devrai gaon in the would be her first time attending such a ceremony, especially with her two brothers.

She arrived at the shop and saw her dada in deep thoughts, he was trying to fix a chariot ,trying is the key word here,as his mind was somewhere else.

"Dada,what are you thinking about,is there any problem?" She asked.

Karna came out of his stupor and looked at shakti,he said,
"Choti , everything is fine for now... But I am worried about something Uday told me about."

"What is it ,dada ? Tell me,may be I can help with it."
Shakti asked.

So, karna told her what Uday and the workers told him. Listening to this she went silent and put her head down,she knew that if she looked at karna's s face right now ,she will tell him everything, because she will not be able to see her dada's worried face.

Seeing Shakti went silent and not looking toward him ,karna understood that she knows something, in a moment of urgency ,he asks,
"What is it ,Anuja ,do you know anything about vrnavrat or conspiracy against the Pandavas?"as soon as these words leave his mouth,he remembers his promise to her that he will never ask her any questions.

"No...don't answer don't need to answer my question. "He said immediately.

Shakti wanted to help quench the distress on karna's face ,which appeared , beacause he thought that he has broken his ,she said,

"I want to reveal promised me not to ask me anything but I also said that if I feel the need I will tell you what I want ,and I want to tell you some facts right now."

So,she told karna that Purochan is building a wax palace,from all the wax he has bought ,in Varnavrat to burn pandavas alive inside it.she also told him that it was sakuni ,who ordered Purochan build the palace.

Karna was angry and worried at the same time,he thought that Pandavas will die in the palace if they were not warned about the danger and knowing the truth, he could not let them face the danger without doing anything ,he wanted to Strom into the palace ,drag sakuni ,tell everyone how wretched and dreadful he was ,but Shakti stopped him and asked him to plan the next course of action calmly.she also told him that Pandavas will not die in the palace but will need help and prior information to pass the danger unharmed.
Karna understood that and they decided that they will tell as much as they can to sahadev in the evening.

Both Shakti and karna reached Devrai gaon ,they were bearing simple but elegant clothes.
They had also bought gift for Uday and Aarvi.
They were welcomed by the chief and asked him, if prince sahadev had arrived,much to their dismay ,he has not arrived yet ,so they waited eagerly.

Ther ceremony started and completed in no time ,it was a simple ceremony with exchange of gifts between two families and the soon to be groom gifting something to soon to be bride as a promise. Uday gave a beautiful hairpin to Aarvi ,she was very happy.

But ,sahadev never came, karna and Shakti started to panic ,why does he not come ,does something already happened ,so ,they took their leave early and went to the city to check on things.
Uday saw them distressed and asked chief and Aarvi permission to go and help them both.
As chief already wanted return his gratitude towards karna ,he let Uday go and follow them.

Uday caught up to them and asked what happened,they told him everything ,he could not believe his ears.
They returned to the city and went to the palace,on asking one of the charioteer ,who knew karna ,they came to know that. Pandavas has already left for vrnavrat ,they left earlier than planned.

What to do now? They have to sent the information regarding wax palace to the princes anyhow ,otherwise something bad could happen.

Karna finally suggest passing the information onto Mahamantri Vidur as he was very intelligent and wise ,he will find a way to let Pandavas know. Shakti nodded.
Nothing could be done or said against sakuni for now as they had no proof.

So, karna wrote a message and gave it to Uday to deliver it to vidur's house discretely. Karna did not went beacause he did not wanted anyone to know that he has helped the pandavas or risk reveal his identity.he had full faith in Uday.

Finally Uday delivered the letter and made sure Vidur saw it.
Vidur eyes popped ,when m he saw what was written in the letter,he does not knew who sent the letter but he didn't wanted to take any risks ,so decided to warn pandavas with the help of puzzles,using rotten crop and rats.

Karna and Shakti thanked Uday for his help.Uday went back to his village and Aarvi...with an increased respect for both karna and Shakti.

Karna and Shakti went home in relief.
They had no idea ,what a strom was waiting for them at home.

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