And So Begins the Adoption Search

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So this will be the sequel for Angel With the Shotgun! If you had read the description and you're still here, I guess you're crazy enough to give it a shot! I hope you enjoy it!


Castiel leaned his head against the window of the impala like he used to when they were teenagers. He had his hand threaded together with Dean's as the man drove to the adoption agency where they are to meet the boy they had been matched with. Castiel would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, and it only intensified when Dean released his hand long enough to change the gears before returning it to it's normal place.

"What if he hates us?" Castiel asked suddenly, needing to break the silence. He felt his husband squeeze his hand in reassurance, trying to give him some comfort.

"He'll undoubtably love you. It's me we have to worry about." Dean said jokingly, but when Castiel looked over at him, he saw conflicting emotions in the Winchester's eyes. Castiel knew that Dean was always worried about ending up just like his father, no good and dead before fifty. The former Novak sighed, pulling Dean's hand up to his mouth and kissing it lightly.

"Let's just hope he likes classic rock. That'll fix everything." Castiel said in a light tone, making Dean chuckle and relax just a bit. "Don't worry, Dean. There's no way he wouldn't like you."

"I hope not." Dean mumbled, their nerves reaching their peaks as they puled into the driveway of the adoption center. Slowly, Dean switched off the engine, looking over at his husband. He had a stone cold expression, but Castiel knew all. He could see exactly what his husband was feeling through his eyes.

Castiel was just as big of a wreck as Dean about this. Honestly, if he had a choice, killing John seemed less daunting than what he faced now, but if they were going to start their life, they had to suck it up and face it. "Let's go." Castiel mumbled, leaning over and kissing Dean reassuringly on the lips before getting out of the impala.


The Winchester family sat at the visiting table nervously, their hands entwined as they waited for the potential adoptee to appear. It was absolutely silent between them as they shared a conversation between their eyes, letting the pure orbs reflect their fears and hopes. It was when the door opened that their conversation ended, the adoptee coming in view by the soft urging of a social worker, who held the door open for the kid.

The guy walked in, his nervousness just as clear as the Winchesters. He was sixteen if Castiel remembered correctly as he had looked at the male's file several times before the visit. He was blonde, his hair styled very much like Dean's, although slightly shorter. He was well built, almost like you would imagine a football player, and he had the most striking amber eyes that seemed to glow with their own light.

"Um...hello." The teenager said softly, though Castiel could hear from where he was sitting that the male had a deep voice. Castiel and Dean exchanged glances, gauging who would talk first, before Dean stood, which Castiel was greatful for.

"Hey. I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my husband, Castiel." Dean offered in a friendly tone, his normal cheeky smile crossing his face as he held out his hand. The teenager seemed to relax a bit at Dean's easy going approach, and smiled back, taking the hand firmly and shaking it.

"My name's Mike. It's a pleasure to meet both of you." Mike introduced with a smile of his own before releasing Dean's hand and holding it out to Castiel, who shook it as well. Both Dean and Mike took a seat, and they studied each other a moment before Castiel took a deep breath, deciding to finally speak.

"Could you tell us about yourself?" Castiel asked, knowing that his own deep voice caught the teen off guard. Most people didn't really expect his voice to be that deep.

"Oh, well..." Mike trailed off, pondering a bit on what to say before rubbing the back of his neck, biting his lip. "I'm sixteen. I was born in Nevada and live with my parents until they died in a car wreck when I was eight. I was moved from adoption agency to adoption agency until I got to this place around twelve."

"I like to play sports. They're my passion really. I really like rock music, and..." Mike trailed off, furrowing his eyebrows. Castiel knew how hard it was to describe yourself. Castiel always felt like he was getting his own life wrong when he told someone anything, other than Dean of course, who was there for a lot of it.

"Do you have anything specific you're considering to do for a career?" Castiel pressed gently, asking the boy questions so it wouldn't be as hard as trying to come up with ones by himself. Mike shot him a greatful look and nodded, small smile crossing his face.

"I want to be a mechanic." The teen said, and Dean perked up. Castiel groaned teasingly, shoving his husbands shoulder. He knew that Dean would love the kid now.

"Then do I have a surpise for you." Dean said as he caught Castiel's hand in his and lacing their fingers together, a grin spreading across his face. "What do you think of a 1967 Chevy Impala?"

Castiel watched Mike's jaw literally drop open, his eyes going wide. Castiel leaned back in his seat, smiling contently. Why were they ever nervous about this kid?


The visit had lasted for a few more hours, some of it about cars and Dean's promising to teach Mike everything he knew about fixing a car, then some of it was delving farther into Mike's thoughts, getting an idea on what they would be living with should they adopt him. Time was running out, and both the Winchesters seemed reluctant to go.

"Would you like to come to lunch with us tomorrow? Our brother's are coming over and having a cookout. We would love for you to meet them." Castiel offered, biting his lip nervously. Dean nodded as if it was a good idea, and Mike seemed to brighten at the prospect of seeing the Winchesters again.

"Sure, I would love to." Mike replied, grinning. Dean returned the grin with his own cheeky one and squeezed Castiel around the shoulders.

"Good, we'll see you tomorrow then."


Castiel stared at the ceiling with a sigh, his body tingling with nervousness of tomorrow. He didn't want to disappoint Mike by doing something wrong. He rolled over, bumping against Dean and waking him up.

"Cas? You okay?" Dean asked groggily, switching on the lamp and looking over at his husband. Castiel nodded before tugging Dean into a sitting position and crawling into his lap, hugging him tightly.

"I really want Mike to like us." Castiel mumbled, leaning his head on Dean's shoulder. "I want him to like our family too."

"I know, Cas. I know." Dean whispered, holding his husband gently. "Let's not worry about it, okay? If it happens, it happens."

Together, they laid back down, not letting each other go as they dozed quietly. Castiel stared at Dean,still not tired enough to try and sleep.

"How come you sleep on your side? You used to sleep on your back." Castiel asked. It was something he had noticed over the years, that Dean never sleeped like he used to.

"I don't want to look at the ceiling." Dean mumbled, already half asleep again. Castiel furrowed his eyebrows, not sure exactly what that meant, but he wasn't going to press his husband. So, he laid down and dozed off.

A Soldier I Will Be | Destiel and Sabrifer |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora