You Will Literally Hate This Chapter So I'm Apologizing Through the Title

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So if you haven't learned by the title, I apologize over and over again for this chapter. I know in my older chapters, I mentioned how bad things were going to get, but this might just top them all, even in What is a Toaster. So, I've decided to do my announcements of this story before I begin it!

Thank you all who checked out my stories earlier! I'm glad that some of you enjoyed them(although some of you didn't as well) and I'm excited to keep them going. I got out the first one-short for my fluff compilations, so after this, if you are in tears, I would go suggest you read that, just for a little comfort.

Without further ado, I write my death wish!


Castiel had been walking to his car in the parking lot when he heard the first scream. It pierced the quickly darkening sky, the suddenness of it making Castiel jump in surprise. But, it wasn't the fear that got his heart racing, it was that he recognized the voice, one that he could never forget.

Before he even realized it, he was running, following the scream with quick and long strides. It had helped that he picked up running on weekends, and could dart quickly down the sidewalk, his breaths coming in pants as he begged to the gods he was not too late.

He had almost passed the alleyway that the screams were coming from, until another one came directly to his right before cutting off suddenly with a gun shot and sickening gurgle. Castiel pounded to a halt, trying to hold back the bile that was in his throat as he realized what that meant.

But he had to make sure himself, even though he knew seeing it would break him.

He crept down the alleyway, breathing as evenly through his nose as he could after the run. The aura that came from the place was empty, and sorrowful, and the setting sun seemed to cast everything a shade darker, making his stomach churned as he made out a body lying on the ground.

He walked forwards the final steps, coming to a stop in front of his loved one, tears welling in his eyes as his suspicions were confirmed. He fell to his knees, picking up his head, and holding him close, letting out a sob when he saw a gunshot wound lodged in his chest.

He reached out for Castiel, his breaths broken and uneven, becoming more labored as he touched Castiel's face, before the hand fell back, and the life left his eyes.

Castiel screamed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fifteen Hours Earlier~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Castiel woke up groggily when a sob reached his ears, the sound faint and distant. He raised his head, looking at the sleeping form of Dean beside him, and frowning, looking around. Seeing no one else, he laid his head back up, only for it to shoot up when he heard Mike call his name from the room down the hall.

He was on his feet and out the bedroom door in an instant, barely glancing at the clock long enough to register that it was three in the morning before he was heading down the hallway, the slight chill making him glad he wore t-shirts and sweatpants to bed.

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