Fuck You Sister(Back into Normal Life)

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It seemed world's apart in Dean's attitude ever since he got both his son and husband back. Gabriel couldn't help but notice the way he clung onto them almost nerve wrackingly, never wanting to leave their sides in case something were to happen to them. Even being blind, Gabriel could see the change easily.

Sam seemed to enjoy this change in Dean the most, making up more and more excuses to go over to his older brother's house, not that Gabriel minded. He never wanted to leave Castiel's side, having missed him beyond belief while he was imprisoned.

So, when Sam dragged the family out to Dean's and Castiel's for a cookout, Gabriel didn't object, but merely let Lucifer help him into the car, and they were off. There was excited chatter on the way there, as neither Gadreel nor Kyle have met Castiel, and listened to the stories Carrie and Jake told them, making Gabriel smirk as he listened to the over-exaggerated tales of the six year olds.

"...then they have a kid named Mike." Carrie was explaining to Kyle, her voice wavering back and forth slightly, "We went to his....funeral? Is that what it was called? Anyways, we're going to see him today!"

Gabriel frowned, listening to the conversation quietly. He heard a 'huh' escape Kyle's lips, obvious confusion in his voice. "What do you mean we are going to see him? Are we visiting his tombstone or something?" Kyle asked.

"No, he's alive." Gabriel cut in quietly, fiddling with his sleeves blindly. "I'm not sure of the details, but maybe we'll figure out how he's back from the dead and why he was killed in the first place."

"Oh....I see....I think." Kyle replied, obvious disbelief in his voice. Gabriel nodded, tapping on his leg gently as he fell into silence, relaxing as Carrie took back over the chatter. Faintly, he could hear Gadreel and Jake whispering to each other, their words just too incoherent for him to make out. 

The rest of the ride, it was this same relaxing voice that fell into background noise as he closed his eyes, waiting until he felt the gentle rumble of that familiar gravel beneath the vehicle before he opened his eyes. Slowly, the ignition fell into silence and Gabriel felt along the belt, pushing the button and pushing it out of the way.

"Ready?" Sam asked, earning a nod from Gabriel before he let his hand search out the handle, pulling it and letting the door swing open. He slid out of the car, feeling the gentle touch of Lucifer guiding him, helping him along the gravel driveway. He heard the shuffling of his family behind him and smiled, feeling a happiness as he realized that he would be able to finally enjoy each and every one of his family.

Lucifer rang the doorbell, and only a moment later the door opened, the scent of fresh meat and spices drifting from the house. "Hey guys." He heard Dean say, his voice cheery and light. Gabriel smiled, feeling Sam's slightly rougher hand press onto his shoulder, squeezing gently.

"Hey, Dean. Whatever's cooking in there smells great." Sam said in greeting, taking over for Lucifer as he helped Gabriel into the house. The youngest Novak took a deep breath, a smile crossing his face as his stomach growled pleasurably.

"You know Cas and his cooking obsession. Mike is in the living room if you want to talk to him." Dean said, a chuckle escaping his lips. He greeted each one as they entered, heading into the living room, where Gabriel heard the shuffle of fabric against the couch.

"Sam, Lucifer, Gabriel, it's so good to see you again." He heard Mike say, a smile creeping onto the younger Novak's face as he felt the teenager pull him into a tight hug. He returned the embrace briefly before Mike pulled away, most likely giving the same gesture to the others.

Sam helped Gabriel to the couch, letting the blind man roam his hand around the arm of the furniture before lowering himself onto the cushion, letting out a sigh as he finally relaxed. He felt someone sit beside him, recognizing the soft tap of Sam on his leg.

"Are you okay, Gabe?" He heard Mike ask, nothing but concern in his voice. Gabriel smiled, nodding slightly before holding out his hand with his thumb up.

"Doing just fine, Mike. Did Dean and Castiel not tell you I was blind?" Gabriel asked, tipping his head slightly as he leaned on Sam. It had been rough on the youngest Novak, learning to live with a disability, but he found himself slowly getting used to it.

"I'm....not sure." He heard Mike say, a bit of distress crossing into the boy's voice. "...I have bits of my memory that seems to just be missing. Others are really hazy. I expect it's because of..... what happened."

"What did happen? If you don't mind us asking." Lucifer cut in, obviously as curious as a cat. He focused, hearing the pattering of Carrie's feet - he had begun to recognize by the slight hesitation every third step, and he thought he heard a soft thump followed by an oof, meaning Gadreel had sat on Jake again.

"After I...died, I woke up in the morgue, with this scar of where the bullet was supposed to be. The mortician had me tied down to the table, telling me all these things of how I've been giving the 'breath of life' as he called. He then began to cut me open while alive, then when I died, he brought me back. Again and again, I relived the torture of him experimenting on me." Mike described, his voice quivering slightly as he spoke.

The room grew silent for a moment, before Kyle spoke up, somewhere on Gabriel's right. "Why did you die the first time?" Kyle asked, his voice soft, almost hesitant. Gabriel leaned forwards subconsciously.

"I was at a friend's house and I was taking a walk because of...complications." Mike started, the sound of his foot tapping on the hardwood filling the room. "I happened to turn the corner, and saw this man standing there, holding a knife to the other's throat. I just got a glimpse of the attacker's face before he killed the other man, and I ran."

"They must have recognized me somehow, cause the next time I was out alone, I was coming to meet Castiel at work because Dean had to stay out late. I was cornered and shot." Mike said, a small shuddering breath escaping his throat. There was a pause, as if he had to prepare himself to continue on. "Then, Castiel was there. I don't even know where he came from, and I had to watch him cry as I died in his arms..."

The whole house became silent, as if one single word would shatter everything about this. No one dared even breathe to loud, that is, until he heard footsteps come into the living room, making Gabriel let out a sigh in relief at the interruption. 

"Gabriel? Could you come to the store with me? Cas said you were the only one who knew what brands he liked for cooking." He heard Dean ask and nodded, slowly standing. He felt Sam help him stand until Dean walked over, linking his arm under Gabriel, leading him towards the door.


Yes, the title is referring to my sister because she gave me this horrible idea for the next chapter. So, I'm apologizing for it in advance, because why the hell not. XD

A Soldier I Will Be | Destiel and Sabrifer |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt