The Lunch was Awkward, but It Might Just Work

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Castiel scrambled back and forth between the kitchen and the patio in the backyard, struggling to prepare for Mike's visit. He had gotten up early that morning, cleaning frantically so that the house looked presentable. It wasn't that Dean and Castiel were slobs, they were just both men and a bit...carefree, about some things.

Sam had been a big help when he had got there two hours after Castiel had started working, helping him clean up while Lucifer and Gabriel had began grilling outside. Lucifer had always been good at cooking, and Gabriel was there just to make sure the man didn't burn the house to the ground. Dean had left to pick up Mike about an hour ago, and would be arriving any minute.

"Thank you Sam. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't of helped." Castiel said gratefully, resting his head on the freshly cleaned counters, letting out a sigh of relief. They had just finished with cleaning, the home all but spotless. Sam chuckled, sipping on a glass of water beside him.

"It's not a problem, Cas. We're trying to impress this kid as much as you are, especially from how Dean talks about him. From what I understood before Dean left, he seemed to like rock and cars, two of Dean's favorite things?" Sam asked, a smile crossing his face as he remembered how happy that his older brother had been.

"Yes. I believe that Mike might like Dean more than me at this point." Castiel said with a smile. He didn't mind if the orphan liked his husband better, because Dean truly deserved to have his happiness, and that alone made Castiel happy as well.

"Don't worry, Cas. You'll win him over with your cooking." Sam urged, patting Castiel on the shoulder in a reassurance, only to groan when he heard Gabriel and Lucifer shouting outside. Castiel glanced out the window, where Lucifer and Gabriel were glaring at each other, both of them motioning towards the grill where the food rested.

"Sometimes they never get along." Sam said with a roll of his eyes, tapping the counter in a rhythm before pushing himself off and moving towards the door. "I'll go settle them. God knows they'll fight until one of them ends up getting slapped by a piece of meat." The Winchester muttered before walking out of the kitchen. 

Castiel watched them fight until Sam came into view of the window. At first, he just watched the both of them like Castiel was doing, until they both realized his presence. There was a moment of just staring, a moment of talking, and then, a moment of Sam slapping both of them upside the head. Castiel chuckled to himself, wanting to watch more, but he was distracted by the sound of the door opening and closing.

The Novak made his way into the living room, where Carrie and Jake were watching their favorite TV show. They didn't even notice Castiel as they watched a polar bear  rescue some kind of sea creature. It confused Castiel, as polar bears were not known to help other animals without the intent of eating them, but he didn't ask questions and instead grinned as he saw Dean and Mike come from the hallway.

Carrie and Jake instantly noticed the new person. "Uncle Dean!" Carrie shouted, running over to Dean and hugging tightly around the leg, looking at Mike with curiosity. "Who is he? Is he going to live with you from now on?" 

"This is Mike. He'" Dean trailed off, looking at Mike, then Castiel for help. Castiel wasn't sure what to say either. How did you tell a little kid about something so hard to comprehend?

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