Split Paths

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Lucifer let out a shout, slamming his hand against the steering wheel of his car as he sat in the driveway of an abandoned building. He couldn't believe that the bitch of a boss had fired him over his relationship. Over something personal and completely not related to his work at all. It completely pissed him off.

It had been two weeks since being fired, and he has yet to find a job. He knew that Sam and Gabriel was getting suspicious about his lack of bringing home money, but he just kept telling them that he was finishing a big project. He'll get paid then. 

The worst thing was that there was plenty of places offering open job spaces, but none of them would accept him. If it wasn't for his name - which he got denied for quite a bit - then it was for his relationship. He didn't mention his relationship of course, but if the interviewer asked, he wasn't going to lie. He wasn't ashamed of his love, but other people sure seemed to be.

The next noise that followed was a whimper, leaning his head back and letting it rest against the head of the seat. He couldn't believe that he lost his job. How was his family going to be supported on only one income? What was he going to do?

A tap on the window brought him out of his woes. He looked over, seeing a man with a gruff and angular appearance hidden under the roughness of his beard. Lucifer frowned, but rolled down his window, just enough that he could hear the man, but not enough where he could reach through the window.

"Can I help you?" Lucifer asked, his eyes narrowed. He wasn't in the mood to be friendly. The man only grinned, rubbing his thumb across his lip thoughtfully. Lucifer decided he hated that look.

"Well, if you are who I think you are, then yes, you can." The man offered, his eyes twinkling with eager and - it made Lucifer want to vomit - lust. The blond Novak blanched, shaking his head.

"Sorry, not who you were looking for." Lucifer said, his hand moving to roll the window back up when he was stopped by the man's fingers getting in the way.

"It certainly is a shame. I would have paid you quite well for your.....services." The man said, a sigh escaping his lips as he looked over Lucifer's face. He had a knowing look in his eyes, as if he knew what would happen if he said that. Regrettably, Lucifer was actually considering the offer.

"What kind of payment?" Lucifer asked, feeling his stomach twist with nervousness. He knew that he shouldn't be even considering it, that doing this would hurt Sam if he ever found out, but without money, they wouldn't be able to keep their kids, and Lucifer couldn't let that happen. Plus, he could stop as soon as he got a job.

"I'd say...a hundred dollars a time. I think that's appropriate for your looks alone. If you do good, I might even give you a tip." The man said with a wink. Lucifer shifted uncomfortably in his seat but he knew that hundred dollars would be more than he had now.

"Ah....how many times do you plan on doing it?" Lucifer asked, almost timidly. The man only shook his head, seeming to enjoy the way Lucifer became nervous.

"Well, I have some buddies here as well, so...." The man offered with a suggestive tone. Lucifer frowned, looked down and almost started to shake his head. "Don't worry. We'll all use protection."

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