Discrimination is Blind

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Gabriel sat in front of the principal of the school, his face stoic under the piteous looks the man was giving him. A student and his parents sat beside them, the woman warily watching the history teacher with distrustful eyes. Gabriel knew why he was here, yet it made his heart sting when the principal spoke.

"You understand why I've called you in here today, Gabriel? There have been some...complaints and accusations thrown your way, and I just want to clarify what is going on." The principal said, obviously uncomfortable about the whole situation. Gabriel just sighed, leaning back in the chair while the family sat straighter, accusing looks in their eyes.

"Ask away." Gabriel said, letting out a defeated sigh. He prepared himself, not to face this discrimination, but rather explain to Sam why he had lost his job. The principal looked down at his desk, straightening some papers before motioning to the family.

"I received a call this morning from this family. According to their son, you are known to be polygamous relationship with two separate men. Is he correct in his accusations?" The principal asked, rubbing the back of his neck as if he was embarrassed about having to question one of his teachers.

"It is true." Gabriel said, his voice casual as the principal's head shot up, staring at the history teacher in shock. The family shifted away ever so slightly, but Gabriel pretended to not notice.

"I-I see." The principal said, looking even more uncomfortable than before. Gabriel sighed and looked at the ceiling, ignoring the distrusting looks from the woman sitting beside him. "Are you aware that this could cause...discomfort among our students?"

Gabriel looked at the principal, a hard look in his eyes. "No, I am not aware of that." Gabriel replied, a warning in his voice that hadn't been there before.

"Surely you must know that you are a problem for our son. I don't want a gay man being anywhere near him." The woman snapped, her hotheaded looks only adding to the ferocity of her voice. Gabriel stared at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Ma'am, I assume that you are not aware, but there are straight male teachers at this school, yet girls don't have to do that? I am a gay man, but I'm in a perfectly happy relationship, so why exactly would I be a distraction? The adoption agency didn't have a problem with our relationship, my six year old twins don't, my brother doesn't, no one cares who I love, so why should you?" Gabriel asked, a pained look coming to his face as he thought of losing his job because of this family.

Gabriel found it ironic when he looked at the teen, and realized who it was. It was hard not to let out a snort as he remembered catching the kid making out with his boyfriend in the janitor's closet. He didn't say anything though. He would be secretive too if he had parents like this.

The principal held up his hand for silence. "Gabriel, I'm aware that this is a very irritating moment for you. I, for one, would not fire you over something as simple as this. However, I must take it to the board for them to decide. Trust me, I will fight for you the best I can. You are, after all, the best teacher we've had in a long time." The principal said, a moment of silence spreading through the room. Gabriel couldn't help but smirk as he saw the woman's offended gaze as the principal looked at her.

"Can I speak to the student and Mr. Novak for a moment please?" The principal asked politely, but it was firm. Gabriel knew that voice well. The suggestion was actually an order, and the husband and wife were to listen. They left the room, but not before the woman sent him a glare over her shoulder.

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