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Sam rested his head against the frame of the bed, rubbing sleepily at his eyes as Gadreel stirred, his large eyes round with fear as he looked over at Sam, only to smile as he realized who it was. Sam smiled back, raising his head from the bed and moving the boy's hair out of his face.

"Morning Gadreel. Thought I'd check in on you before Gabriel and I head to work." Sam said, sitting back and motioning towards Gabriel, who stood at the doorway. Gadreel looked between the two of them, nodding and slowly sitting up.

"Thank you Sam." The six year old replied, stretching a bit. Lucifer had took him to the hospital after he found him almost starving a week ago, and the boy was doing much better than he had before. He was lucky to be found when he did, because another day without medical attention and starvation would have killed him.

"I also came to ask that if wanted to live with us from now on? I know that Jake would really want you to, and that you need a place to stay." Sam offered, tipping his head. Gadreel looked back at them, his face unreadable as he slowly nodded.

"Yes, I want to live with you." Gadreel said, smiling softly. Sam grinned and took the small boy's hand, squeezing it. He stood, shuffling his hands into his pockets.

"That's great! We'll come check you out of the hospital after we get off work, okay?" Sam said, waiting until the boy nodded before bidding his farewell. Gabriel did the same, and Sam linked his arm under his husband's, leading him towards the first floor.

"We might as well open an orphanage at this rate." Gabriel mumbled, making Sam let out a light laugh. It was true. They had been adopting kids like no tomorrow.

"I think this will be the last kid for a while. The social services are starting to think we're crazy." Sam said, a smirk playing on his lips as he passed by the small group of nurses, two of them talking excitedly.

"....he had a dead man's ID! I thought it was a sick joke at first, but the blood work and everything checked out! Can you imagine it? A dead man walking!" One of the nurse said, her voice showing her excitement. Both Sam and Gabriel paused in their steps, Sam's eyebrows furrowing as he listened to the conversation.

None of the nurses seemed to notice them as they conversed. "No way! How can that be?!" One of the other nurses said, her eyes wide. The nurse telling waved her arms excitedly, obviously enjoying telling the story.

"He said that the mortician was killing and bringing him back to life to run experiments! That's a little too unnatural for my tastes though, so I got the doctor, but when I came back, he was gone!" The nurse, sounding almost exasperated about not being able to figure out exactly what had happened.

It was then that the nurses realized that Sam and Gabriel were standing there and let out nervous laughs before making excuses and leaving the group quickly. Sam watched them go before he felt Gabriel's hand clench on his arm slightly, getting his attention.

"Wonder what that was all about?" Gabriel mumbled as he started walking again, Sam following beside. The taller man shrugged, rubbing his fingers along Gabriel's arm comfortingly.

A Soldier I Will Be | Destiel and Sabrifer |Where stories live. Discover now