Something's Wrong...

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Dean sighed as he finally finished his work for the day, wiping the sweat from his brow as he took a long drink from the water bottle he had brought. It had been five weeks since they had adopted Mike, and things were going amazing. He and Castiel were so happy, nothing could ever get in the way, ad not to mention that his job was getting even better and better.

When he noticed the two police officers making their way over, their uniforms specked with blood, he frowned, standing. "Are you alright?" He asked the both of them, a bit of alarm flooding his chest. The two men looked at him tiredly, one of them nodding his head.

"We're fine, Dean." The man, Kevin, said. He had joined the force not long after Dean had, and it was strange to see a friendly face from high school, but he wasn't complaining. "We just had to answer to a call. Apparently, the Angels are starting to make more and more hits lately. We got there just in time to watch the man bleed out and had to keep the crime scene blocked while we waited for the professionals. "

"The Angel's? You mean that assassination group?" Dean asked, though he knew very well exactly what the group was. It had been the group that Michael had joined after Alistair had died, and in turn got him killed as well. He felt his chest burn with anger, the thought of them and what almost happened to Castiel making his blood boil.

"Yeah, that's the one. This was the second hit this week." Kevin replied, taking a seat on of the chairs, his partner, a man named Andy, sitting down as well. Dean sat in the chair he had been in before, listening intently.

"What was the crime scene like?" Dean asked a little bit to interestingly, his eyes narrowed. Kevin and Andy exchanged looks, but it was common knowledge that the Winchester had a personal vedette against the group, so they let it slide.

"Well, the guy had got his throat slit. It seemed like the assassin was a lot sloppier than the others, maybe a newbie. Anyways, we got there ten minutes after the call and the man that had been attacked was still alive, so we thought there might have been a chance, but it was already too late. According to the evidence, the assassin basically vanished. Reviewing the cameras came up with something though. There was a witness, but whoever it was was gone before we got there." Kevin retold, wiping at his forehead with a cloth. Dean's eyes widened at what that meant.

There was someone that knew what the assassin looked like, maybe even know. Getting just one of The Angel's members could be vital to bringing down the whole corporation. He ran the ideas over in his head, but it became redundant when he realized that even if the witness saw anything, they would have to be found first.

"I see. Well, I need to get home to Castiel and Mike. I'll see both of you tomorrow, alright?" Dean said, patting both of them on the shoulders. As much as he would love to stay and try to find a way to find the witness, he knew Castiel would get angry if he was late to getting home. The Winchester had learned early on his husband got really nervous over Dean's well-being.


Castiel stared at his phone with terror, a shiver running along his spine as he heard the deep, altered voice come through the speaker. When he first got the number, and found it as a unknown number, he had been suspicious, then the voice had him froze in place, his mind replaying over and over again what the voice wanted him to do.

A Soldier I Will Be | Destiel and Sabrifer |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon