Learning the Truth

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Castiel sat across from Dean, feeling like he was choking as he purposely avoided looking at Mike, who sat beside the Winchester. HE kept his gaze firmly focused on Dean, a pain in his chest as he thought of his adopted son.

Dean and Mike had just arrived the next day after Castiel had seen his dead son alive again. When he had saw Dean, he had felt a relief, like everything had just been a horrid nightmare, but when he saw Mike following, it almost killed him in a way that he never would have thought possible.

"It's really him." Dean said, and Castiel had to choke back a sob. He couldn't do this. As much as he wanted to believe, the pain of watching his son die in his arms was too real to ever forget. He shook his head, the tears falling and collecting on the table. A guard watched from the corner, a look of concern on his face, but he did not move.

"It c-can't be Dean. I d-don't....please...I w-wanted to make my p-peace." Castiel choked out, his breathing getting heavier as he tried to explain what he was feeling. He felt Dean's hand cover his, and clasped onto it, knowing that if he let go, he would go crazy.

"Cas, I know it hurts. God, how I know it hurts, but, this is really Mike. This is the kid that we adopted together, that we lost, that we took down an entire organization for. It's a miracle, Cas. Just let him explain." Dean urged, squeezing his hand. Castiel looked at him before taking a deep breath, slowly moving his gaze to Mike, tears welling as he stared at his son.

"H-how?" Castiel choked out, his throat feeling like it was closing. HE wanted to run, to kill himself, to forget this ever happened, anything to take the pain away. He could tell by the way Dean's hand clenched that he was was thinking the same thing, and maybe that was the thing that gave Castiel strength.

Mike took a breath, looking slightly uncomfortable as he began to tell his tale. "After I...well...I woke up in the morgue. At first, I still thought I was dead, and I was so scared. I didn't know what to do at all. I tried getting up, but....I was tied to the autopsy table."

"Then, the mortician came over and started talking about some kind of experiment as he slowly began cutting me open, while I was still alive. I screamed and screamed and screamed, but I don't think anyone could hear me." Mike explained, a shiver crossing his body as he thought of the incident. Castiel found his tears forgotten, if only temporarily, as he listened to his son's story.

"He did this several times. Over and over again, he would kill me in different ways, throat slitting, stabbing, strangling, poisoning, every way he could think of for his sick experiments. It continued like this every night, until I got loose." Mike said, looking up at the two of them fearfully, "I hid for a few days, making sure he wasn't going to come after me before trying to find you guys. When I heard of all that had happened, I tried to come to you guys."

Mike fell silent, as both the Novak and Winchester knew what happened with the rest of the story. Castiel felt himself crying again, staring at the teenager he thought he had lost. He reached out, over the table, and touched Mike's face, allowing himself to believe.

Then, his pain caved. Although it was still there, it suddenly felt as if the hole in his heart had filled halfway, and his tears became ones of joy as he ran his thumb over Mike's cheekbone, a smile cracking on his face. "Dean." Castiel breathed, his voice quivering with his tears as his husband squeezed his hand once more. "We finally have our son back."


 "Okay, you and Gadreel will be staying in the same room for now. Is that alright, Kyle?" Sam asked as he put away the clothes out of the suitcase. The social workers had given them clothes for Gadreel after he had gotten out of the hospital. Although Jake's probably would have fitted the boy, he didn't complain.

Kyle nodded, sitting criss cross on the bed on the far right corner. "It's not a problem for me." Kyle replied, smiling at the small six year old that stood beside Sam, hiding behind his leg. He, Gabriel, and Lucifer had taken the day off to rearrange the bedrooms so they had enough room. Surprisingly, even with three bedrooms, they managed to fit everyone in without a hitch, at least until Kyle became an adult and got a place of his own.

"Hey, how's it going in here? All finished?" Lucifer asked from the doorway, smiling at Sam as he glanced back at him. Sam smiled and nodded, walking over and pecking the blond Novak on the lips, grinning as he felt Gadreel tug on his pants.

"Mr. Sam. Mr. Lucifer. Are you and Mr. Gabriel all going to be my daddy?" Gadreel asked, his voice soft but curious. Sam crouched until he was eye level with the little boy, smiling and nodding.

"Yes, we'll all three be your daddy. Do you like that?" Sam asked, casting a glance at Kyle, who was grinning at the adorableness of the six year old. Gadreel smiled, nodding before looking at Kyle curiously.

"And, he's my new brother?" Gadreel asked, pointing at Kyle with a little shyness. Lucifer smiled, leaning against the doorframe and answering for Sam.

"Yes, he's your brother. Jake is also going to be your brother, and Carrie is going to be your sister." Lucifer replied, a softness in his eyes. Although it hadn't seemed it at first. Sam had learned when they first adopted Carrie and Jake that Lucifer had a soft spot for kids.

Gadreel grinned wide, enjoying the idea of having such a big family. "Do I get hugs? Mommy always said that hugs were the best thing." Gadreel asked, his innocent eyes wide. Sam smiled, loving this kid already as he hugged him gently - remaining careful with his still underfed body - before pulling away.

"You can have a hug whenever you want, okay?" Sam replied, before standing, linking his hands in Lucifer's. "We'll be right back, okay? Gabriel and the kids are being too quiet, and that means they're up to something."

Sam squeezed Lucifer's hand before letting go and heading down the hallway, finding Gabriel and both the kids staring at a bottle of coke intently, Gabriel grinning as Carrie helped him move a mentos to the opening of the bottle. The phone ringing distracted all of them, making Carrie look up and squeal when she saw Sam standing there.

"Before I lecture you on doing that in the house, I'm going to answer the phone." Sam said, making Gabriel perk up and look in his general direction, a sheepish look on his face. Sam rolled his eyes, but smiled as he picked up the phone, holding it up to his ear.


Dean's voice cut in, a happiness and fearfulness that had Sam's attention instantly. "It's Mike. He's alive."

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