Coming Out

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So, because my computer wouldn't do shit yesterday, I didn't get to post this chapter last night. I have two chapters of this now, so I'm going to post of them as an apology


Gabriel sat back in his desk with a sigh, reaching over to his computer and pulling up the necessary files he would need for the next lesson. Clicking on the powerpoint for World War II, he waited patiently for the students to come in, the warning bell going off only a moment


When the final bell rang, he stood, surveying the students sitting in his class. All but one of them were here, and he marked the name of the absent student off before moving to the board, turning on the smartboard projector.

"Good afternoon class." Gabriel said in a friendly manner. A few students replied back, but he didn't find himself minding their lack of enthusiasm. He had been in a good mood ever since Lucifer's problem came to an end, and a classroom of tired students wasn't going to get him down.

"You sure seem chipper, Mr. Novak." One girl piped up, leaning on her desk. Gabriel just smiled at her, shrugging as he started the powerpoint.

"Some of the family issues we've been having is resolved. I'm just happy that we all got through it." Gabriel replied, his eyes softening as he thought of his family. After a moment, he shook his head, tapping the board so it would go to the slide.

"If you'll copy these notes down, I'll go over the Battle of Britain. That's where we left off correct?" Gabriel said, leaning on the podium the school had provided. There was a mumble of yes spreading through the classroom, and the Novak sighed, running his hand through his hair. It was always the class right after the bell that seemed to require the most energy to get through.

A few students finished in the matter of a few minutes, setting their pencils down and waiting for the others to catch up. Gabriel felt bad for not doing anything while they waited, but he always hated when the teacher talked while he was writing and missed vital information. He wasn't going to do the same.

"How are your kids?" The same girl asked, tapping her eraser on the desk rhythmically as she watched him with sharp eyes. Gabriel, although never mentioning his relationship, had talked about his kids all the time. He loved to answer questions that anyone might have about them.

"Carrie's got her first loose tooth yesterday." Gabriel said proudly, smiling as he thought of his kids. "And Jake has taken to visiting the beach on the weekends with my brother."

The girl frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. "You have a brother? You've never mentioned him." The girl asked, her blond hair falling around her face as she leaned forwards interestedly. Another girl mumbled in agreement, tipping her head.

"You also say you're in a relationship, but you never talk about your wife?" She added in, her bouncy brown curls contrasting greatly with the other girl's pale blonde hair. Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck, glancing away uncomfortably.

"Ah, well, I have two brothers that I still speak to." Gabriel said, trying to think of a way to get out of this conversation. He noticed that almost everyone had stopped writing, and he begged silently for the slower writers to hurry and finish.

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