Rock Bottom

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"What the hell, Cas? Do you know how many laws you broke by just being there? Please tell me you aren't a member." Dean begged, slamming his fists on the table in frustration. Kevin stood in the corner of the interrogation room, studying Castiel with such a disappointment that it made bile rise in the Novak's throat.

"No, I was forced to train for it." Castiel mumbled out, staring at the anger and fear in Dean's eyes. He knew that the Winchester was scared. He was terrified too. "They threatened to kill you and....they killed Mike. Dean, I couldn't lose you. I didn't know what else I could do."

His voice broke, and he felt the first wave of tears come. He didn't want to lose Dean now, not after everything that had happened. Dean was leaning over the table in an instant, wiping away the tears with his thumb and shushing Castiel gently to keep the crying at bay.

"You could have come to me. I would have helped you." Dean urged, only for his frown to deepen as Castiel shook his head, reaching up and clutching Dean's hand like it was lifeline. Dean sighed, pulling his hand away before picking up a file on the table and opening it and sliding it to Castiel.

"Do you recognize him? Witnesses said they saw a dark-haired man in a trenchcoat shoot this man and leave him." Dean asked, and Castiel looked at the picture of a water-logged, lifeless man. His breath caught in his throat as he recognized the hoodie, slowly raising his head to look at Dean with wide eyes. Dean scoffed, turning away and kicking the chair.

"So you're a murderer too." Dean said, a desperation in his voice that Castiel had never heard before. He let his gaze fall, not wanting to meet the others' eyes. He heard the door open and looked over, panic rising in his chest when he saw other police officers making their way.

"Dean! Please!" Castiel shouted, standing and clutching onto his husband's jacket, his breaths heavy and erractic. "Just let me explain!"

His hand was jerked from Dean's jacket as one of the officer's grabbed his arm, pulling it behind his back and clapping handcuffs around his wrist. "Castiel Novak, you are under arrest for the murder of Bartholomew Harrington. Anything you say can and will be used against you."

As Castiel was led out, he looked over his shoulder, staring at Dean watching him, tears making his way down his face until he was hidden by the closing door.


Sam waited until Dean had come out of the interrogation room before making his way over to his brother, wrapping the upset man in his embrace. Dean clutched onto him, his breathing ragged and shocked, making Sam shiver as he saw the look of pure pain on Castiel's face when he was led out.

"He murdered a man, Sam." Dean whispered, pulling away and tugging his fingers through his hair several times erratically. Sam grabbed his hand to keep the man from going bald, moving it away from his head.

"Dean, we'll help him, okay? He must have had a reason. Maybe it was self defense or something." Sam said, sounding a little hopeless. He wanted to help both his brother and Castiel, but if the Novak had killed someone, then it was very unlikely to get the man off.

Sam's phone buzzing in his pocket made him sigh as he fished it out of his pocket, noting it was Lucifer, before pressing the talk button. "Hey, Luci. How's Gabriel doing?" Sam asked, squeezing Dean's shoulder as they talked. Lucifer had stayed with Gabriel in the hospital. The doctor's had found where the pressure was coming from, and had just had the surgery this morning.

"He's awake." Lucifer said, happiness in his voice that made Sam smile, if only briefly. He was glad that Gabriel would be fine, but he was going have to tell them about their brother, and that was enough to take the smile on his face. "How is everything with the hunt?"

"Good." Sam replied, though his voice cracked just the smallest bit. Dean looked at him and Sam motioned that he needed to speak in private before moving over to a corner where he was out of hearing range from Dean.

"We got them. The leader of the Angels, along with five of his goons are going away for a very long time, but..." Sam paused, taking a deep breath before he spoke again. "We caught Castiel there. He's been arrested for murder."

Lucifer was silent for several moments as if he was shocked, but Sam heard him excuse himself to Gabriel before slipping out. "Castiel was arrested? What for? What was he even doing there?" Lucifer asked, a worry in his voice that jerked Sam's heart.

The Winchester took a small breath, looking over at Dean who was sitting at his desk, his fingers digging into his hair. "Dean interrogated him. Lucifer, he murdered a man." Sam replied, running his hand through his hair with a sigh, leaning against the wall.

"Do you know why he did it?" Lucifer asked, his voice shaking just the smallest bit on the other line. Sam knew that voice, and he also knew that Castiel was screwed if Lucifer got a hold of him.

"No, I was going to visit him as soon as they allow visitation for him. I'll be there in a minute to tell Gabriel, so please just try to seem normal until then." Sam said, his eyes narrowing as he saw a kid talking to the police woman at the front desk, pointing to Dean.

"Yeah, I'll try. Bye Sam." Lucifer said before the line clicked off. Sam stuck his phone back in his pocket, his eyes not leaving the worried face of the teen as he made his way over to the woman. He didn't have to say anything as the teenager looked at him, relief flooding the boy's face.

"You're Sam, right? Mr. Novak's husband?" The teenager asked, wringing his hands nervously. Sam nodded, tipping his head. What was one of Gabriel's students doing here?

"I just wanted to tell the police that I know who hit Mr. Novak with the car." The teen said, his body beginning to shake and his face paling. Sam moved around the counter, moving closer just in case the kid collapsed.

"Can you give me a name, a description, the car license plate number?" The woman at the desk, a kindness in her eyes that eased the kid's nervousness, though the shaking did not stop. Sam froze as he saw blood staining the side of the boy's shirt.

"It was my mother, Kaitlyn Mills. She was angry because he kept his job even though he was...." The kid stopped, his eyes starting to glaze over. He looked at Sam, tears beginning to make way down his face as he began swaying.

"My family tried to k-kill me." The kid whimpered, his legs buckling. Sam caught him in his arms, shouting for a doctor as the teen's eyes rolled back in his head.

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