Lucifer's Finally Found a Chance

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It was three days after Sam had found out about Lucifer's...side job, that the taller man burst into the kitchen, excitement on his face. Lucifer had been making breakfast for the twins and flinched as Sam suddenly grabbed him, laughing as he wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, squeezing Lucifer around the waist and kissing him all over the face.

Lucifer couldn't help but laugh at Sam's puppy like manners. "Sam! If you'd calm down long enough and tell me what is going on, I could actually celebrate with you?" Lucifer said, pushing Sam off his body. He heard the twins giggling and sent a playful glare their way, making their laughing get louder.

"I found you a job interview!" Sam said excitedly, his eyes shining as he took Lucifer's hands in his, squeezing them. Lucifer felt his jaw drop, his eyes widening.

"You what?" Lucifer said, excited surprise coming through. Sam grinned and nodded, pecking his lover on lips several times before replying.

"I got you a job interview for tomorrow! They were very impressed by your credentials and they don't care about our relationship! You might have a job very soon!"  Sam said quickly, his excitement making him ten times faster than he usually would. Lucifer understood though and felt like crying tears of joy as he hugged Sam tightly, holding his lover like if he let go it would all be a dream.

"Oh my god, Sam. Thank you. Thank you so much." Lucifer breathed, a weight flying off his shoulders in a way he couldn't ever imagine feeling again. He could finally let go of his guilt and move on. He could really be with Sam again.

"Can Dean take the kids for a while?" Lucifer whispered into Sam's ear, letting his arms trail of up his lover's arm. It was an innocent movement, yet it had Sam already shivering, his eyes growing dark with arousal. "I want to....thank you for helping me. I could help you with your....problems as well."

Sam had his phone in his hand in an instant. "Just give me a minute to call him." Sam replied before dialing Dean's number and exiting the kitchen. Lucifer watched him go before turning and finishing the twins food. He spooned it onto two separate plates, placing them in front of the wide-eyed kids.

"Are we going to uncle Dean's for the day?" Carrie asked, her high pitched voice becoming slightly higher in excitement. Lucifer chuckled and nodded, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Maybe. If Dean says yes, then I'll take you over there. So, eat your breakfast, okay?" Lucifer urged gently, sitting beside them and waiting as they began eating. After a minute, Sam returned, a smile on his face.

"Dean said he can take them for a while." Sam said, his eyes glowing with hunger. Lucifer grinned, turning to the kids and seeing the excitement on both Jake and Carrie's face. "He'll be picking them up in ten minutes."

"Okay then, let's get you dressed." Lucifer said, waiting until both of them had finished before taking their plates and laying them on the counter. He followed after the kids as they scrambled for their rooms.

Sam remained in the kitchen to clean up while Lucifer picked out the clothes for both of the twins, allowing them to get dressed themselves. Ten minutes came and went, and by the time Carrie and Jake had finished tying their shoes, they heard the horn of the Impala.

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