And So Begin the Trials

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Castiel waited a week before he heard another phone call from the Angels. In that time, he barely saw Dean, except for dinner, as he spent all of his free time in the study with Sam, searching for the Angels hideout. It was a lonely time, but both of them knew that there would be a time for grieving, after their revenge had been finished.

When Castiel got the call, he made sure that he was out of hearing range from Dean or Sam before he answered, his knuckles turning white as he squeezed the phone in his anger.

"What do I need to do?" Castiel said determinedly, making sure he had no hesitation in his voice.

It was quiet for a moment. "The first trial to become part of the Angels is always different for each person. Yours is to be more difficult than most." The man paused, his distorted voice making Castiel's palms sweat with nerves. "You have to kill a Nephilim."

"A Nephilim?" Castiel echoed, his eyebrows furrowing. The man made a grunt of agreement, doing the same familiar pause that he has always done.

"A Nephilim is a person who is undergoing the trials. You are an example of a Nephilim. The person we want you to kill, she could not complete her second task, therefore she must be removed. Any hesitation or trickery to get out of the trial will get you killed. Understood?" The man waited until Castiel slowly agreed before continuing.

"The Nephilim's name is Jane Shirley. You have two days to find and kill her." The man answered before the line clicked dead a moment later. Castiel let the phone drop from his hand and onto the chair he was sitting on, letting out a shaky breath as he let the wall around his emotions fall.

Castiel sat there for a minute, rubbing at his eyes as he tried to think of how to do this. He slowly stood, staring around the room before sighing and exiting, moving down into the hallway. He heard the soft incoherent of Sam and Dean's voices as he walked past the study, his heart stinging with need to see his husband. He refrained though, knowing that Dean was only doing what he thought what was right, and continued on, grabbing his laptop.


It was wearing on two when Sam came out of the study, circles around his eyes and a stiff movement in his joints. He approached Castiel, who was barely able to keep his eyes open from the research he had done. Nothing could be found, or nothing that Castiel was smart enough to find anyways.

"Cas? Can you do me a favor?" Sam asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood beside the black-haired Novak. Castiel nodded, glad to being able to take a break and stood, stretching and allowing himself to wake.

"Anything." Castiel replied when he finished, studying Sam carefully. The man shuffled his feet, letting out a soft sigh before speaking.

"Could you go pick up Jake and Carrie? Dean and I have found a possible member, and Dean wants to go check it out. I can't let him go alone." Sam asked, seeming desperate and a little bit guilty. Castiel nodded, placing his hand on Sam's shoulder comfortingly.

"It's not a problem, Sam. Just, both of you be careful." Castiel said before grabbing his trench coat and throwing it on. It wasn't cold outside, but he just felt better without it. He bid farewell to the grateful Sam before leaving, slipping into his car and heading to the school.

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