Adoption is Great, but There's Worse Things Brewing

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It had taken a total of three days to get the adoption finalized. In that time, Mike, Castiel, and Dean spent as much time as they could together. The husbands were a hundred percent sure about their choice now, especially since the lunch that they had had with the family. It was like a dream come true for them.

Moving Mike's things into the spare bedroom - now to become his bedroom - had been easy as there wasn't a lot to be moved. Just some clothes and personal belongings that barely filled one suitcase. Castiel felt a twinge of sympathy for the boy since he didn't have a lot, and vowed to take him shopping for fresh clothes and a few things he would want when they got settled in.

Castiel and Mike had just finished putting away the last of the teen's clothes when Dean walked in, wearing his uniform for work. Castiel smiled at him and straightened from his crouch, walking over and pressing his lips to Dean's in a chaste kiss.

"Have a good day at work, Dean. Don't be too reckless." Castiel said as he did every morning. It had become a ritual for him to say it ever since Dean pursued the career of a police officer. It worried the black-haired man to no end at what trouble his husband might get into with his hot-headed and stubborn nature, but it had been three years already, and things were going smoothly.

"You too, Cas. Have a good day, Mike." Dean said, smiling at his new son before exiting the room. Castiel watched until Dean trailed down the stairs out of sight, the teen clearing his throat catching his attentiont.

"You know, I never asked how long you were married." Mike commented, making Castiel turn his head and smile. He furrowed his eyebrows, counting the years on his hand.

"Almost seven years. We dated for four before that. So we've been together for about eleven years now. " Castiel finally said after his got his numbers right. Mike let out an impressed 'hm', a smile crossing his face.

"You act how my parents acted when they first got married and were in their 'honeymoon' stage. I would have guessed you've only been married a year or so." Mike replied, closing the last drawer. It was a blank looking room, with only a bed, dresser, and closet in it, but Castiel planned on making it more comfortable for the teen.

"Hm...I'll take that as a compliment." Castiel said with a grin. He stretched before looking at his black watch that Dean had given him. "I have to go get ready for work. Will you be okay staying here by yourself or do you want to come with me until we get you enrolled in your new school?"

"Can I go with you please?" Mike asked, wringing his hands together nervously. Castiel nodded, smiling as the teen visibly relaxed.

"Of course. I know it must be awkward to stay at a new home all alone." Castiel commented, backing towards the door. "I'm going to go get dressed. There's food in the kitchen if you want something before we go."

When Mike nodded in acknowledgement, Castiel headed to his bedroom to get ready.


"You're a carpenter?" Mike asked as they pulled up to the parking place of the building Castiel worked. It was a large carpentry business that specialized in original work. It was quite popular in the state and Castiel was happy that it was thriving.

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