Chapter 2

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Four years later

I stare at myself in the mirror, stunned. I couldn't believe my eyes...

I was a freaking werewolf! How is this possible! I was freaking out, but needed to keep it down because I couldn't risk my parents finding me in this position, not after Shawn laughed at the idea.

A few weeks ago, my group of friends were once again in awe at my "superpower", that's what they liked to call my ability to run faster than the common human, my super strength, and my super hearing, let's not forget my fast healing. My parents, when I just started living with them officially, they were stunned at my abilities, which made me feel uncomfortable and weird, so from there, I tried to keep a low profile, but I don't always succeed because I love running and that wasn't a secret. At first, I wanted to enlist in the school team, but I knew it would bring unnecessary attention to me and I didn't want that.

But sometimes I get over-excited and carry myself out stunning everyone in my team class.

"If I didn't know any better" started Shawn, "I'd say you are a werewolf, or a vampire" says and he and the rest started laughing so I laughed too, but once I arrived home, I started researching on the subject. There were pages that described things that never happened to me, but most of them talked about super-strength, super-speed, and super-hearing.

It was crazy, but it added up to the things that have been happening to me for the last four years. I was different and I knew that, my parents knew that, but they never commented on it, at least not in front of me.

I didn't want to become like those crazy people that they thought were some mythological creatures, or like that man that acted like a rat in New York City, but couldn't keep ignoring these anomalies.

So without my parent's knowledge, I would take their car and drive all the way to the place where it all began. I would go to that forest where I fell over the cliff and run through it. And once I'd run the first time, I couldn't stop. I loved how my feet seemed to fly over the ground and the feeling of freedom I felt every time. That forest brought some familiarity I've been lacking forever, it made me feel connected to something, and I knew I had to find out what.

I would run through the forest, calling out "my wolf", but nothing ever happened, so I gave up, until today, when I am finally allowed to fully think about my lost family finally after all these years. Normally, I would avoid thinking about them because I would always end up crying and my chest would hurt. But it seemed to work, because the next thing I knew my bones were cracking and my body trembling, my whole body in pain, until I stood on my fours feet- I mean... paws.

Now, how the hell do I shift back to my human form? Me being in a wolf's body felt extremely weird and foreign.

<<Shift, shift, shift>> I chant in my head, but nothing happens. I could feel something else, in my mind, and it was unsettling. Was that my wolf? Could it speak? Didn't know.

I close my eyes and picture myself in my human form and all of a sudden my body started trembling, and holding back a scream, I was on my knees, naked, on the floor of my room breathing heavily.

The image of my naked body on my room's floor in front of the mirror brought me back to that night four years ago, when I woke up naked. Maybe I was in my wolf form when the accident happened. That would explain the mystery.

I take in a breath, as if I've been running for hours. My body felt exhausted.

I stand starting to put some clothes on, but stopped when I felt... something. Something was different, and I knew there was no way back to my normal self. I could feel my wolf, like, somehow, my brain finally acknowledge something that was always there but didn't know even existed.

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