Chapter 14

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When we arrive at the palace, I wait outside for Carmen to bring me a set of clothes because the ones I was wearing were shredded to pieces. What a shame, I really wanted to see Alec in those tight leggings, but I'm pretty sure he has hundreds to replace them with.

Instead of clothes, Carmen brings what must be the fluffiest robe I've ever seen. I put it on and with the sleeves, I touch my face enjoying the feeling.

"Alec arranged for us to get massages!" cheers Carmen and I smile wide. I've never got a massage before and can't wait.

Those well-known butterflies take flight in my stomach, touched by Alec's thoughtful action. Can't believe he keeps taking care of me, thinking about me and my needs. Gosh, departing from him will certainly leave me in pieces.

The three of us headed to Rebecka's room where three massagists were ready with a special table-like chair each one for us to lie on.

First, they give us space to put on the white pristine towels and then we laid down on our stomach and then the masseuse start massaging our skin with natural oil and I drift away for how good the feeling was. I close my eyes and listen to Carmen and Rebecka talk.

I'm really aware of the woman's hands, enjoying every touch and pressure. Damn, I could go hours like that.

I don't know how long it's been, maybe an hour, or maybe more, when the ladies leave us to put some clothes on. I groan, not wanting to move.

"Please don't make me move" I plead not opening an eye.

I hear giggles.

"Come on, lazy girl, they need to take the chairs with them" chides Carmen and I groan again.

Feeling like a teenager whose mother woke her up Monday morning to go to school after spending all night playing video games on the computer.

I put back the robe and walk sleepily toward the common room which was actually the living area but they were the only ones that stay in this wing so they called it the common room because that's where they usually hung together and talk and drink and whatever.

But froze mid-way there when a scent I dreaded came to my nose.


Suddenly, I stopped wanting to lay my head on Alec's lap so he could play with my hair while I fall asleep.

"I uh... am going to Alec's room" I stutter, heading there to hide until she left. I hurry away from the common room and open the door to Alec's room but what was waiting for me there made my stomach drop.

"Elena, stop" I hear Alec saying but she just grabbed his face and locked lips with him, her body pressed against him, rubbing herself on him. I wanted to throw up.

I quickly and quietly closed the door and looked around, frantic. Fuck, I needed to get out. The image of my mate kissing someone else makes my heart clench painfully, and not anyone at that, but the bitch that threatened to kill me if she sees me around him.

I needed to make an exit, like now. No one could protect me from her, she was the future queen! How did I let myself let my guard down? Ugh! I'm so stupid!

I knew I couldn't leave through the common room because there's where everyone else is, so I go back to Rebecka's room now empty and leave the place through the big window, closing it to not make it obvious that that's how I escaped.

I follow the exterior of the palace until I spot the entrance, where I am able to locate my way home and run through the forest in nothing but a robe. It felt like I was doing the walk of shame.

Her returnМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя