Chapter 47

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Today I fucked up.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I can't believe I let myself mess things up. It was bad. I'd never seen Riley so disappointed in me and I hated that I did that to her. I really wanted to blame my mother for all this, but I knew that my behavior was the one that ruined things. I should have handled things differently.

While I run past trees with little snow in them, now melting as spring gets closer, I felt as if I was falling apart at every step I took. It felt like the first part fell the place where Riley left and now I am halfway from turning into nothingness.

I stop, not being able to bare the thought of losing Riley. She is my everything, I love her so much that the mere thought of not being with her breaks my soul. I needed to go to her, I needed to hug her and kiss her.

I. Just. Need. Her.


When I arrive back at the palace, something feels off. I go straight to our room, looking for my mate, but Riley wasn't there, and her scent was faint. I knew instantly that something wasn't right, but I just didn't want to believe it.

I walk into the common room in need of answers and when I arrive there, everyone was silent, Rebecka and Carmen with sorrowful looks on their faces.

"Where's Riley?" I growl out knowing already something happened.

The four of them look up at me. First, with surprise, and then with guilt and anxiety.

"Sit down, Alec" says Felix, as if he was choosing his words carefully to not upset me.

"Where. Is. My. Mate" I grit out.

Rebecka is the one standing up to stand in front of me. I could sense she was upset.

"She went back to America..." my breath hitched at her words but she rushes the rest before I do something stupid "She said she was not running away, she just needed to visit her adoptive parents. She just needs time for herself..."

I turn around, fighting my lycan who wanted to come out, as if he could cross the ocean by just running at full speed. I needed to think, be logical, and be reasonable. Because rushing to conclusions and quick action is what drove Riley away.

I pass a hand over my hair, pulling from the roots, trying to contain myself.

I close my eyes, breathe in, and force my body to relax.

"You let her go alone?"

"No. We sent two guards with her. She wasn't happy but was the only way if she wanted to go on her own" replies Rebecka quickly.

I breathe out a breath. I didn't want to explode and take my worries out on my friends, they didn't deserve that.

"I'm going to America, I need to be with her" I say quickly turning around to start packing.

Rebecka is quick to stop me.

"Riley needs time to think and her space, Alec. Don't push her and make it worse"

"I'll give her space, don't worry. I just... I just need to see if she is okay. Besides, I really want to meet the people who saved my baby's life" I smile sadly.

I owed them that much. I wanted to also make sure there are people taking care of Riley's adoptive parent's graves while she is gone. They deserve that.



The flight was long and boring. I sulked the whole way. The only time I got to rest from my raging thoughts was when I fell asleep for a few hours. I hoped to sleep more, but my brain wouldn't stop working. At least the food they gave me fixed my mood somewhat.

Her returnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon