Chapter 36

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Riley's POV:

When I come back to my senses, I notice how badly my temples were throbbing. I order my body to lift my hands to soothe the pain but I can't. When I pull my hands, something metallic sounds, immobilizing my limbs.

I blink several times, trying to adjust to the bright light over my head. When my vision finally adjusts, I draw in a sharp breath, remembering what happened. Elena. That bitch drugged me, and now I find myself in an unfamiliar place. There was nothing but me and something covered on a blanket, the rest was four empty grey walls.

Something tells me that I'm not here for a sleepover. Well, the thick chains immobilizing my arms over my head were enough to tell.

I try to pull my arms, proving my lycan's strength, and my panic ascends when I can't feel it. I can't feel my lycan! I start breathing heavily, trying to process what's going on. No, no, no. My lycan can't just be gone! I shouted in my mind, searching for my beast, but there was only silence.

I could hear my heart thumping erratically in my ears. This couldn't mean anything good.

I lift my head when I hear a door screech and I growl when I see Elena enter with another man dressed in all black.

"Great, you are awake," she says with an evil smirk. I so wanted to erase it from her face, or just dislocate her jaw from her skull. Yeah, that sounds better.

I shiver at the thought. I've never been so violent, it seems that despite my inability to feel my lycan, the essence was still there.

"What did you do with my lycan!" I growl pulling the chains, only gaining a burning sensation around my wrist.

She laughed.

I find out that I hate her laugh. It sounded like a mixed breed of a hyena and a whale.

"Just a little something my men have been experimenting. Your lycan is still there, but the drug won't let you have your lycans 'powers'. So I can watch you suffer more" Her smile was sadistic, but mine it's going to be more evil once I get free and able to rip her apart.

"You sadistic bitch!" I scream, growing mad that I'm chained, unable to do something about the situation I find myself in. "Why are you doing this?"

She huffs.

"Because I want the crown!" she screams like a crazy Karen. "I had everything planned until you decided you show up! You ruined everything!" she seethes but forces herself to calm down. "But it's okay, I'm going to fix it now. And once you are gone, that crown is gonna be all mine"

This bitch was insane.

"Are you crazy? Alec will kill you!"

I just hope that Alec, despite our argument, realizes that I was missing and comes for me, because something tells me I'm not going to enjoy what is about to happen.

"He'll have no way of knowing that I was part of your abduction, and I'll be there to comfort him for losing his mate. Then we'll mate, I'll be crowned Queen, and once I get bored of Alec, I simply kill him, and I get all the kingdom for myself"

I didn't need my lycan to feel utter rage when Elena voiced her plan to kill Alec, MY MATE. I growl and fight the chains, desperate to get to her and make her pay for everything.

She was insane. Her whole plan was insane. There's no way she'll be able to pull everything up. And killing the lycan prince? Pff, as if.

I open my mouth to yell at her but she interrupts me.

"Just stab her already. I'm getting bored here" she says moving her hand dismissive in the air.

My breath quickens and I struggle with the chains. I didn't want to get hurt, too afraid of feeling pain, but deep down, I knew there was nothing I could do to stop what is coming next.

Without letting me process the man's movement, I scream at the sharp pain in my lower stomach. I groan, my head falling forward. I open my eyes and I see a dagger encrusted in my skin and my whole body shivers.

I try to regulate my breathing, but the pain was making it too hard to concentrate.

"Come on, do not stop" Elena spat to the man with a sadistic smile. The man also smiles while grabbing another small dagger and stabs me in the thigh and I cry in pain.

Beads of sweat form on my forehead and at the back of my neck. Breathing was painful by the wound in my lower stomach. I clench my jaw trying not to think about the pain.

The man kept stabbing and cutting me and I wasn't struggling anymore, I barely felt anything, my body numb from the loss of blood. I wasn't healing and that worried me. Whatever drug Elena invented stopped my body from healing fast like a lycan. Now, I felt like I was going back to my days when I was sure I was human.

"Stop" I hear Elena snap. I am too tired to lift my head. There was a ringing in my ears, and my mind fogged. I kept my eyes close because looking at the black spots and the blur of my vision made me even dizzier.

Alec, where are you?

"Is not fun anymore if she barely moves" she growls. I wasn't even able to care to reply to that.

At that moment, something stirred in me, and a few seconds later, the noise started to fill the silence. There was an explosion and I heard yelling and growls. I hear the sound of heels running, I bet was Elena trying to save herself from whatever was outside.

I try to hold on to my consciousness, but it was getting harder by the second.

My heart quits its slow beating to a quick one when the scent of my mate reaches my senses. I try to call him, but I couldn't. He was my hope.

I don't know how long I've been here being tortured, but I feel the drug losing effect as I feel something else stirring inside me.

"Riley!" I hear and I let my body relax. I didn't need to fight anymore, my mate was finally here.


Wellp, here's another chapter!

How bad are you hating Elena right now? Feel free to release your frustration and anger in the comments 🤪

Will they be able to catch Elena?

Besides all that, what are you up to people?

The chapters I have already written are running out and sooner and later I'll be forced to write again. I haven't been able to write for a long time idk why and I hate the state I am in.

Wish me luck!

Don't forget to vote beautiful people!🤩

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