Chapter 49

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I turn with a fake smile to greet my high school bully. Though I didn't see her as my high school bully particularly because I never gave her the time of the day, that didn't stop her from being mean to me with nasty comments about my way of leaving and my adoptive parents.

"Sabrina, I wasn't expecting to encounter you here" I say taking the cup to my lips. Because I really, really, wasn't expecting to exchange words with her this night.

I see her eye twitch.

"I wish I could say the same, but we both know you never move on from this town"

"I guess you are somehow right in that" I reply turning midway to grab a small brownie and take a bite from it.

I could feel everyone staring at us, and how their eyes were then fixed on me. I knew what they were thinking, how different I looked. I am now slimmer, and taller. My skin was clean and brighter, my cheekbones were higher and my hair shined with health. Now that I am a lycan, there was not a day I wouldn't feel my best. I am gorgeous, with good-sized tits and a big ass. I might no be that skinny like models were, but I have curves and Alec is crazy for me. That's all I needed.

Rachel and two of her friends joined the group.

"Back off, Sabrina" she says with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh, Rachel. Always the goody-two-shoes Rachel" Sabrina says mockingly. "We are just catching up, don't worry" her fake smile was really annoying, but what could I do? Erase it with a punch? Tempting, but I knew I'd probably kill her with my strength.

She turns to me her nose high in the air, looking down at me.

"So, did you study anything? Got a degree or anything a job? Or are you still your grandparents' nanny?"

I clench my jaw, making sure she does not get a reaction from me.

"No, I stayed here to take care of my parents, but they are now dead" I said crudely.

I see her minions grimacing at my words.

"I see, you are still good for nothing"

I try to hide my laughter, but a scoff got out. I see Sabrina scowling at me.

If she only knew I am a princess now and a future Queen of a race that can snap her neck like someone would snap a twig.

"I'm getting married, but is not like is any of your business"

Everyone raises an eyebrow at that. Her eyes go directly to my hand.

"I don't see a ring there, Riley" she says with a smug expression on her face. "Riley, sweetheart. We all know your life is shit but please, don't lie about getting someone to love you to the point of marrying you.

I sigh dramatically.

"To be honest, Sabrina, dear," I start trying my best to sound condescending "I couldn't give two fucks about what you or anyone here thinks" I add, seeing everyone's jaw drop. Sabrina's face turns bright red in anger. "I don't have to prove myself to you either, because, in my eyes, you are no one. So, Sabrina, sweetheart. Piss off, would you?"

I smile and send a kiss toward her and walk away, smiling wide because I got to piss her off in front of everyone.

"Damn, Riley!" Rachel says reaching me "That was badass! You had to see her face. She is throwing a fit right now!" she laughs and I smile.

"She had it coming for a long while, honestly" I reply.

"Yeah, I agree. Is nice to see her speechless for a change"

"Yeah" I mumble. "Hope you don't mind, but I'm going outside for some fresh air"

She just nods and walks toward her boyfriend who she kisses with passion. A lump forms in my throat while I walk quickly outside, feeling the adrenaline dissipate from my system, being replaced by longing and sadness.

I missed Alec so much, I wished he'd be here. I needed a hug right now, I wanted someone to lend me their shoulder to cry on. I just wanted to stop feeling so lonely.

Done with the reunion, I call an uber and tell the driver to take me to the cemetery. I knew it would be probably closed, but it didn't matter, I needed my parents. When I climb the fence and drop inside the cemetery grounds, I remember that I didn't bring them flowers.

The tears start flowing. I was such an awful daughter!

I run toward my parents' graves and fell on my knees in front of them.

"I'm so sorry" I cry. "I'm sorry if you feel I abandoned you, but I swear I didn't! I just... I was just living my life you know? I'm sorry you weren't and are not here to see my new life, but it doesn't mean I forgot all about you. You both will always be in my heart, I promise".

Knowing I was alone, I let myself be free, and start sobbing and crying like a lunatic. Everything simply came crashing. Their happy faces, their hugs, the love and care they showed when they were alive...

I close my eyes hugging myself, desperate for some solace.

"I'm sorry I started a new life so far from you, is not like I planned it, but, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to cope with leaving you two again once is time to go back to Russia? If you only knew..."

At that moment, I wished for them to come out from their resting place to hug me, to comfort me. I wished they could appear to me, like in the movies, but I knew it was better not to be hopeful about it, it would only hurt me in the end.

I lay down between their graves and keep crying, wishing Alec were here to hug me, to reassure me that everything was going to be okay and that he loves me.

I don't know how long I've been there laying down and crying. Ten minutes? An hour? I don't know. I feel cold and lonely, when I feel two strong arms around me bringing me toward a hard and warm body and cradling me.

I start crying again, this time with relief, and I snuggle against my mate's chest, so fucking happy that he is here, and I wasn't crying alone anymore.


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Lots of love x

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