Chapter 46

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"What's going on, man?" ask Felix after the girls leave the room.

A sigh escapes from my lips.

"Is just... Riley's been acting so reckless and irresponsible lately. It's... frustrating. I don't know why she is not taking care of herself given the circumstances." I finally say out loud everything that's been bothering me.

Carter and Felix look at me confused.

"And what are those circumstances?" wonders Carter, still not understanding what I'm getting to.

"That Riley is pregnant!" I huff exasperatedly.

Carter and Felix share a look that makes me feel crazy.

"Are you sure?" insist Felix "If she were, we would be able to feel it".

"Besides, she would have told us, right?" adds Carter.

I wince, asking myself the same.

"Well, Riley hasn't been eating much and I caught her throwing up. So my mother said it must be because she is pregnant" I say, now not so sure about the whole situation.

"You can't speculate about something like that, Alec, you know better than that" scolds Felix standing up to go to the other side of the room where the small bar was to serve himself a drink.

"Have you talked with Riley about it at least?" Carter asks, meeting Felix midway who hands him a drink.

I look away, the sense of guilt overwhelming me.

"Oh, c'mon man!" they both complain.

"It just... made so much sense..." I try to explain, but I knew it was pointless.

They were right.


I knock before opening the door and what awaits me on the other side has me horrified and acting without thinking.

Riley chugs a shot making that face she does every time she drinks alcohol. An expensive tequila bottle was on the table in front of her.

As if my conversation with the guys never happened, I rush toward her, taking the small glass from her and putting it back on the table with such force it breaks when it came in contact with the table.

The girls gasp and squeal in surprise.

"What the fuck, Alec?!" Riley exclaims, looking at me like she has had enough.

I was the only one here who was allowed to be mad!

"What are you thinking, Riley?! Drinking in the state you are in? Unbelievable!" I say fuming.

"What?!" she shriek as she had no clue. "What are you talking about, Alec? What state am I supposed to be in, uh?"

"You are pregnant!" I yell trying to snap her back to reality.

All of the sudden, she falls silent, watching me with a blank expression.

"I'm not pregnant, Alec" she finally says after what feels like forever.

At that statement, my body tense, and I see Felix and Carter over the door. It's when everything comes to clarity.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything but had no words. I look at Riley and her blank expression breaks to show a fraction of pain and sadness.

"I can't believe you think I'm capable of drinking while pregnant. That I would be such a bad mother..." she whisper, calmly. She moves away to leave the room. I took a step toward her, a sinking feeling making its presence in my stomach.

Carter puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from going after her, shaking his head.

There's a battle happening inside of me. I never meant to hurt her, she is the love of my life. I have no doubt that Riley would be a wonderful mother, I never wanted to imply that. I can't lose her. How do I fix this? 

I can't lose her.

A feeling of dread takes over my body. I feel numb. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack any moment now.

"Alec, let's go for a run" says Carter more like a command than a suggestion.

"But Riley..." I got out but Carter kept pushing me toward the window door.

"Run, now"



My heart hurts like never before. It was a different ache from the one when my adoptive parents died. It was an ache caused by the betrayal of a loved one, one that was still alive.

I silently cry on my way to our room and I don't stop until I reach the walk-in closet where I grab a duffle bag and start putting clothes in it.

"Riley?" I hear Carmen behind me. I can hear the fear in her voice.

"I'm not leaving him, I just... I need a moment" I say, trying my best to make my voice sound normal, but it was difficult because the more time that passed, the hardest was to contain the tears from leaking.

I knew what I had to do, and where I was going. I missed them so much, and it's been months since I left them behind. I just needed them right now.

"But..." mumbles Rebecka speechless and equally terrified.

"Just tell Alec that I need space, and that I'm flying back to America for some time. I need to see... my adoptive parents again."

"But... aren't they dead?" says Carmen lowly.

I clench my jaw, not liking the reminder of their deceased state.

"Heartless bitch" I hear Rebecka whisper ever so lowly and a yelp of pain from Carmen.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

"It's okay" I say with half heartfeltness.

I put on my sneakers and stand up with the bag on my shoulder.

"I let the pilot know you are on your way. The jet is always ready for unexpected flights so you are all set" says Rebecka giving me a sad smile.

I nod my head, not really feeling like talking. I pick my sunglasses to put them on and hide the fact that I've been crying. I don't want to cause any unnecessary drama.

Carmen and Rebecka walk me to the entrance of the palace and outside where a dark car was already waiting for me.

I give them a hug as goodbyes and hop in the car, the chauffeur closing the door behind me.

I sit back letting out a sigh. I can't believe that this was in Alec's mind all this time. Why did he think I was pregnant? Why didn't he ask me if that was true? I'm so mad and sad right now. I can't believe he thought I would jeopardize my baby's safety like that. I would never drink or fight while pregnant, that's stupid, reckless, and irresponsible. Can't believe Alec thought I was capable of harming my baby on purpose.

It made me sick to the stomach.

What was he thinking? Why does he has to screw things up when things are perfect? This is all because of his lack of communication and his unwillingness to be open and honest with me.

I growl furiously, making the driver jump and the car swerves a little. I was furious and upset. There was this hot fire burning in my chest and I have to grind my teeth together to not jump out of the car and run. Feeling the great need to destroy something.

No. I have to stay calm. Thinking that I'm on my way to see my adoptive parents makes me calm down, and a sad smile spread over my face. I needed them. I know that being in their presence will make things better.


Hi! Sorry for posting so late, just finished this chapter.

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Hugs and kisses xoxo

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