Chapter 12

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All the memories from last night come rushing to my mind once I start to wake up. In an instant, I'm sitting in the big bed. I close my eyes and breathe in his scent. I was alone in this room

God. This was torture. This whole room smelled like him and it took all of me to not just bury myself in the bed's sheets to be completely engulfed by his scent. But I knew that if that lycan woman saw me here, would certainly kill me. She already warned me.

I put my feet on the cold wooden floor and tiptoe around looking for anything. I couldn't just leave his room in just a shirt and briefs, especially not in his shirt and briefs. It would look really suspicious and the last thing I needed was someone calling me out to the future queen. I didn't want to die, especially not by a lycan, and even worse: by a jealous lycan woman.

I see that I was on a type of the second floor, but it took a quarter of the whole room. The first floor seemed to be more complete. Up here I could only see a bed, two doors, a fireplace, and a couple of sofas. And of course, the stairs.

I go to look over the window and look at the garden and the line of trees at the back of the garden. An option I have, is running in my wolf form toward the forest, but that would look so fucking embarrassing and weird. I would be the laugh of the whole kingdom. Besides, even if I managed to run unseen, I didn't know the surroundings of the palace, there would be guards everywhere, and they would obviously stop me from thinking that I was a trespasser. Ugh!

Damn you, Alec. Why did he bring me here anyway?

I guess I have no choice but to dress in his clothes and find the palace entrance before Alec finds me.

I walked toward the second door, because I knew the first was the bathroom. It turns out to be a walk-in closet. A huge one at that!

I first put on a sweater so I wouldn't look so disheveled. Then I try to see if I would fit in one of his jeans but couldn't because I have wide hips. I would go for sweatpants, but I knew that if I wear one I would get more stares. After rummaging a lot, I find some tight Leggins for sport and I manage to fit my legs on them. To be honest, I would loooove to see how his ass looks in this. Damn.

Then I put on sports shoes that were too big for my feet but I tightened the laces tight to keep them in place and now ready, I rush out of the room not wasting any more time. I couldn't risk running into Alec or one of his friends, but when I step out of his room my mind goes blank.

I was standing in a wide hallway, and there were a lot of doors and hallways. Where the hell is the principal door or any door that will lead me outside?

I decide to go to the left and start walking then round a corner and keep walking,  spotting a double door. I have high hopes that it would leave me out of this wing.

"Lost, my love?" a voice says behind me. And not any voice, of course, but his voice.

I turn around to find him completely dressed in light jeans and a white t-shirt that hugged his abdomen deliciously and made his biceps bulge. I have to close my mouth to not let my drool flow out of my mouth. His black long hair was messy, pointing everywhere and the slight stubble on his face makes him look so yummy. I wanted to jump at him and it was taking all my willpower not to, especially when his heavy-lidded eyes are staring at my body.

He makes a noise of approval and his lips turn upward.

"Your ass really looks good in my tights" he says with a raspy voice and I have to squeeze my thighs together.

Hold in the juices, body!

"You can't say things like that to me" I spat instead, trying to distract myself from the delicious view in front of me.

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