Chapter 42

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After a week of planning my wedding, today I start looking for a dress! Well, technically speaking, is my and Alec's wedding, but I bet he won't lift a finger to help me decide about stuff. However, I will be asking his opinion about flowers and songs and that kind of stuff because I want this wedding to have both our essences. 

To be completely honest, Ellie is the one orchestrating everything, she only comes to me to decide what colors I want, what type of flowers there should be, if I want fairy light or not... That kind of thing, and I'm very grateful for that. I know nothing about planning an event, less when it is an event that involves the whole kingdom because this will be the first royal wedding in centuries.

I really wasn't into that kind of pressure.

Today, Alec's sister would arrive from her mate's pack to help with everything and spend time with her sister-in-law AKA me. When Ellie told me this I flipped! I didn't even know Alec had a sister. How could he not tell me that? Despite him not telling me about it, I felt like a bad mate for not knowing that basic information.

Apparently, Annie, Alec's sister, left before the celebration because her mate's mother fell sick and needed to be there to support him.

I was kind of nervous. What if she didn't like me? Well, it doesn't really matter, because I was already mated and marked by her brother, and nothing will take me away from him, but it would suck to not have a nice relationship with my mate's sister. So my stomach kept churning all morning, making me feel sick. I knew nothing about how to make a first impression, but my in-laws like me, and so does my pack... that must say something about me, right?


I get into the shower and wait for the warm water to relax me, but the knots in my stomach don't disappear. I wish Alec was there with me to calm me and reassure me that everything was going to be okay, but he woke up early to attend some meetings with his father. Hopefully, I'm going to see him for breakfast.

I turn the shower off and cover my wet body with a towel proceed to the walk-in closet and put on a long yellow dress with white flowers on it and step on some platform heels. Then I go back to the bathroom to dry my hair and put on a moisturizer because my skin always feels dry after the shower.

I go down and out of the room to head to the big dining room where the Queen and King always have breakfast. We've been having breakfast there so I can talk with Ellie about the wedding.

"My love" Alec greets me when I enter the room, standing up to walk toward me and hug me. I squeeze him in my arms, in need of his warmth and scent, my natural source of calm. He laughs. "Someone's nervous?" he mocks. I only give him a final squeeze and pull away from him to kiss his lips.

"A little" I confess feeling a little bit shy. Alec raises his hands to caress my cheek.

"Love, relax. Annie is gonna love you, and if not, I'll have a talk with her"

"Don't" I say too quickly, with a horrified expression. I can't have her hating me even more. Alec simply shakes his head with a smile and grabs my hand to walk me to the table, pulling the chair from me. I smile at him in appreciation.

"So, Riley" starts Ellie putting her hands together, which means business. "Everything is almost ready. The venue is close to being completely decorated and organized everything so we can fit all of the guests. And I have a surprise for you! The wedding will be transmitted live stream so the whole kingdom can witness the union of the future King and Queen! Isn't that amazing?" she smiles widely, expecting my reaction.

My mouth falls open, and it's like my insides exploded. The whole kingdom? Witnessing the wedding? Looking at me? Oh god. I think I'm going to throw up.

"Love, are you okay? You look pale" Alec asks concern written all over his features.

I grab the glass of water and chug it all down.

I fake a smile.

"Awesome..." I muster.

I knew Ellie have a huge list of guests, of people I don't even know, besides my family and some members of my pack, but didn't really ask how many would attend the wedding because I was nervous I'd get scared and grab Alec and run to the hills to the closest court house to get us married alone.

But hearing that all Kingdom will witness us getting married? In such a personal event? I knew I couldn't say no to Ellie or to the Kindom. It would be unfair for them to not allow them to watch their future King getting married, which was huge.

I look at the table, not really hungry anymore.

"That's great sweety" chimes Ellie proud of herself for such an amazing surprise. "Can't wait for next Wednesday!"


"Are you sure you are alright? You didn't even touch the food" Alec asks again, worried.

"I'm fine," I say with a smile to reassure him.

He doubts for a second but doesn't push it.

"Alright..." he says snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me for a kiss. "I have to meet my father and his advisor now. See you later, okay?"

I nod kissing him one last time.

"I love you!" he says from our bedroom door.

"I love you too!" I yell back smiling to myself.

I knew everything was going to be okay, as long as I have Alec by my side. Every time I am close to him, all my doubts and anxiety vanish. I don't know what I would do without him. I love him so much that sometimes it scares me.

When he closes the door, it's like the spell I was in breaks and suddenly I find myself running to the bathroom to throw up. Gosh, I'm so nervous I can barely think straight.

I heave above the toilet after draining my stomach from its content when I hear a gasp mixed with a growl.

"Riley! What the..? Are you alright?" I hear Alec exclaim. I feel his body pressing against me from behind, his arms surrounding my waist.

"I'm good," I say and spit one last time into the toilet. I turn around and take refuge in my mate's arms. "Sorry, I'm just nervous".

He pulls me away from him to take in my face. When he doesn't detect any lies he sighs, the worry still twisting his features.

"You scared me, my love. Is the first time happening?"

I look at him doubtfully. I didn't want him to worry, but I didn't want to lie to him either.

"No. But it's been just two times" I reassure him. "The wedding has my stomach in knots" I laugh humorlessly.

He scowls and looks at me unsure. I knew he wanted to press, but there was nothing else to it.

"You don't want to keep your father waiting, my darling"

"If this persists, I'm taking you to the doctor, okay?" his stern face didn't leave a place for an argument.

"I love you," I say after he helped me stand up. Alec looked hesitant to leave me there after emptying my guts, but I shooed him away. I didn't want him to get into trouble with his father for my fault.


Hi! Took me really long to finish this chapter, not been able to write for months which sucks. But I'm hoping I can get back on track after this.

Hope you enjoyed the reading❤️

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