Chapter 29

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"Riley, love. Calm down, this is not what it looks like" says Alec standing up wanting to get closer to me but one look from me makes him stand still in place.

That's exactly what someone guilty would say!

"So is this how you been enjoying the days I've been gone? Glad to see you are having a good time in my absence"

Just like my family.

That thought made the fire within me subside a little, being replaced by sadness and heartache.

"What? No! You know I don't want her!" says Alec and I could feel his panic. But my lycan was distressed and confused. I am too. I want to cry but I also want to destroy an entire village. These feelings weren't common in me and they scared the shit out of me, and Alec would be the only one to help me calm down, but right now, he was one of the main reasons why I was so distressed and enraged.

"Yeah, that clearly shows" I snort sarcastically.

"Elena" growls Alec. She just smiles at me.

I frown at her.

"Love, clearly, your mate realizes I would be a better Queen than you'll ever be" she sneers and the room rumbles with growls from everyone.

My breathing speeds up and a growl mixed with a whimper comes out of my mouth. I grab my head and feel something sticky and liquid run down my face, when I see the floor I see blood. I didn't realize my claws were out.

"Riley, please!" yells Alec wanting to go to me but scared of what I might do. "You are hurting yourself!" he says, pain and sadness lacing his words.

"You can go, now" says Elena who was standing in front of the open windows that lead outside.

I growl and leap toward it, not stopping running until I feel like I am about to faint.

I remember Rebecka and Carmen warning me that the process of shifting into lycan would make me vulnerable. Is this what they meant? It's driving me crazy.

I wanted Alec. I didn't care if he wanted Elena right now, I just wanted the comforting touch of my mate.

My head snaps when I hear a branch break.

"Alec?" I whisper with hope, but instead, a strange man appears from the shadows.

My lycan instantly knew he was a threat and smiled at the opportunity to release the burning fire inside my body.

The man clearly didn't expect me to jump over him in my vulnerable state. TOO BAD FOR HIM.

Never threaten a crazed lycan, I guess.

He growls when my claws dig deep into his shoulder to have a grip, my legs wrapping around his waist.

Then my canines grow and I bite down his throat. He growls loudly, digging his claws into my back painfully. It makes my grip waver and he takes that opportunity to throw me against a tree, my back hitting hard against it making my lunges expulse all the air.

I lay in the dirt scoffing in search of air but the asshole doesn't take any chances and grabbed me by the throat lifting me in the air.

Black spots decorate my vision.

Close by I hear the distinctive growl of my mate and soon after I am dropped to the floor and feeling dizzy I wheeze, trying to fill my lungs with air.

I hear the growl and flesh being ripped apart and then silence.

Hands encircle me and I'm being pushed against a hard chest and I bury myself in it, feeling the tears run down my face.

"I'm sorry" I sob and Alec hugs me tightly.

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