Chapter 30

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"So..." starts Alec a little awkward. I move away so we could talk seriously. "What brought you here?"

I purse my lips staring at him dead in the eye.

"Wrong question" I simply say. Alec knows I mean business when I cross my arms over my chest, at a good distance from him. Though we were still on the bed.

I notice his hands turning into fists and then relaxing, repeating the motion. He just wanted to be close to me, to touch me. Clearly, he didn't like me being upset with him, so he better start talking.

"It's not what it looks like..."

"That's an awful way to start, my love" I say, trying not to laugh. I so loved messing with him.

Alec frowns at me, letting out a growl.

"You are just being annoying" he says poking me on the side of my stomach. He knew I wasn't ticklish.

"You really know how to get out of a bad situation" I say sarcastically and he groans throwing his head back. I took the chance he wasn't looking to smile evilly but go back to my blank expression when he looks at me.

Alec fills his cheeks with air, which makes him look adorably comical, stopping himself from putting his feet in his mouth again. Then he expels the air slowly.

"You are mean" he pouts like a little kid. I can't refrain from smiling any longer.

"It's just too funny to tease you, baby"

Alec bites his lip.

"This is the second time to call me a pet name in the day" he says smiling wide.

Damn it. It was so hard to be mad at him. Clearly, the goddess gave him a mischievous face with which he could get away pretty much with anything.

But I have to stay strong. Not for Alec's sake though.

"You know I hate her, Riley. She probably knew you weren't at the palace so she took the chance to infiltrate our wing. I already kicked her away once and for my parent's sake, I didn't say anything, or else she would put the prime minister against me or my parents and that could get ugly. Though I did tell her to go sit at the other side of the table far far away"

I growl.

"She is getting on my nerves"

"I know, baby, but you have to believe me. She just sat beside me a few seconds before you showed up, probably on purpose" Alec pleads with his puppy eyes and I smile at him, a green flag for him to get closer and hug me. "So, you believe me?"

I did believe him. He has shown how much he despises her and you can't fake that. Besides, Elena was a person that was easy to hate and despised. There was no way Alec would go that low.

Alec crushes me against him and I chuckle. Warmth spread all over me. No one ever has worried so much if I was mad at them, they would just walk away because they didn't care enough, but Alec shows me every time that he cares. He wouldn't rest until there was no bad blood between us and I appreciated that because no one has ever made me feel loved as Alec does.

We lay down on the bed, on our sides to look at each other, with our limbs intertwined with the need to feel the other.

Alec grabs one of my hands and starts biting softly the tip of each finger with no reason or purpose whatsoever. He was showing me that because of who he is to me, he could do these types of weird stuff to me, and by letting him be weird, I was showing him how comfortable I am around him and that I accept him, all of him, even his crazy side.

I just loved how much we complemented each other.

"Are you finished deciding which one of my fingers is more tender and delicious?" I say mockingly. Alec smiles not moving his gaze from my fingers.

"I just can't stop being mesmerized by your beauty and your soul" he murmured raising his eyes to me, which were shining with so many emotions. I smile and peck his lips.

"I love it when you are cheesy and I love you so much" I whisper back. Alec smiles at me and no matter the times I see him smile, every time makes my heart skip a beat.

Alec chuckles lowly and his arms go around me to hug me but he stops when I wince at the small sting of pain I felt when he pressed on my wounds.

Alec growls.

"You are hurt"

I bite my lip.

"Yeah... My mind was in another place" I say, sure that the claw wound had stopped bleeding.

"Come on" says putting me on my feet and dragging me to the bathroom. "Let's clean you up. Take your shirt off" he orders and I do as he says.

I stand in the middle of the bathroom fidgeting with my hands not knowing what to do with them. I look at Alec opening the cabinets under the sink to grab the stuff he will need to clean the wound and the remaining blood.

"Sit on the edge of the bathtub" he says with a blank expression on his face, but I knew what he was feeling. There was a dangerous aura around him, enraged that I got hurt. I bet he wished he could revive that stranger so he can kill him again, but this time, painfully.

I don't say anything, too scared to push an unwanted button.

Alec sits behind me and starts cleaning my wounds. I hiss at the stinging pain in my back while he cleans but I grit my teeth to stop myself to show that it hurts. I didn't want to upset Alec any further.

I stare at my hands to keep myself busy and I freeze. There was blood in them and that's when everything comes to me. I shifted for the first time in my lycan form, and that only meant that I would never shift into a wolf again. Though that fact saddened me, the fear of what I did to that lycan intruder overpowered my sorrow of losing my wolf form forever.

I bit that fucker in the neck and I could bet there was blood in my mouth too. I wanted to gag. I have never fought with anyone, even less hit someone in the face or somewhere else. But back then... I couldn't restrain myself from following my instinct, that of protecting myself and releasing that fire that was burning my insides.

It's like, for a moment, I forgot who I am, as if my lycan pushed me at the back of my mind so it can take over and finish the asshole that threatened us.

Now that I stop to think about it, I can remember the feeling of my teeth breaking that lycan's skin, and I couldn't hold it anymore. I stand up and run to the toilet opening the lid and throwing up, wishing the memory could just vanish. I see blood spilling off my mouth, a cold shiver running through my spine.

That wasn't my blood.

"Riley? Love?" I feel Alec behind me, holding me in case I break.

When I finish, I lean back against Alec, feeling my whole body shake. I close my eyes, stray tears falling from my eyes. I felt disgusted with myself. That wasn't human behavior, though I was no human, I spent a lot of years pretending I was.

I never liked violence, and yet, lately I've felt more violent than ever, with hateful thoughts popping into my mind.

"Riley? What's wrong? You are scaring me, my love" ask Alec, kissing my back.

I swallow.

I was scared of myself too.


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