Chapter 39

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Alec's POV:

Panic flooded my senses, my heart beating erratically. 

I messed up. Messed up for real.

I felt her pain, her sadness, and how betrayed she felt and it broke my heart.

I didn't think. I just knew I needed to avenge my mate, my protectiveness overpowered my senses. Now that I have my head somewhat clear, I knew it was the wrong call. I should have stayed with my mate, after what she went through.

I close my eyes scolding myself for my stupidity. Carmen had warned me and I ignored her.

Riley had me completely blocked, I couldn't feel her.

I drive fast to the palace and jump out of the car, and start looking for Riley frantically. I think Carted had to hurry to the driver's seat in the car to put it in parking before the car crashed.

I run toward our wing, but when I reach it her scent was faint. She didn't come here... She must have gone to her parents. Only to make sure, I call her mother, not really in the mood to deal with her father.

"Alec..." I hear the tired voice of Tessa.

"Is Riley there?" I ask anxiously.

"Yes," she answers coldly.

I sigh with relief. At least I knew she was safe.

"I think you should give her some time" she advised. "Riley is really upset"

I run a hand through my hair, worried.

"Yeah, I... will do that. Thanks" I wanted to fight, I wanted to demand she put her on the phone, but I knew I had no right.

I end the call and throw the phone somewhere.

"Any luck?" Rebecka's voice startles me. I look over my shoulder and sigh, shaking my head.

"She is with her parents, but she didn't want to hear from me" I close my eyes, hiding my face in my hands "I'm losing her already, and without any effort" I groan, blaming myself for my poor choices.

"You are not losing her, Alec. She is just hurt. And we screwed up too. She didn't even look me or Carmen in the eye. We all failed her"

"How am I supposed to fix this?"

"Well, apologizing first, and maybe a grand gesture," Rebecka advises "You can cook something for her"

I snort.

"Don't you remember what happened the last time?" I mock with bitterness.

Rebecka makes a face.

"Well, I'll help you out, and make sure you don't burn the kitchen again"

"I didn't burn the whole kitchen, Becka" I replied annoyed.

She chuckles.

"Fine. I'll just make sure you don't finish what you started that day"


"It really doesn't look like it's supposed to" I complain looking at the final result.

"Well," she hesitates for a second "If you take a few steps back and squint your eyes, it looks like it's supposed to"

I growl.

"I'm really this close to throwing you out the window," I say, my index finger and thumb barely touching.

Rebecka raises her brows.

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