Chapter 51

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It feels great to have Alec by my side. All my discomforts and worries were banished when he showed up. I loved him so damn much.

I knew I should be mad at him, but he cared enough to follow me here. He apologized and showed me he loves me. I simply can't stay mad at him, because his presence made me happy, it was like a boost to my persona and suddenly, all colors and energy returned to everything.

We decided to return tomorrow with more time because it was getting late and Alec wanted to go to my class reunion that was still going on.

All heads turned when we entered, as if they were mosquitos and us the light. Alec already explained to me this. Humans felt drawn to us. We were almost otherworldly beautiful and as royalty, we have a pull for respect and authority, but humans didn't know exactly what they were feeling. They just felt sort of intimidated by our tall figures.

Alec kept looking everywhere, very curious about human school dynamics. I wonder if he has ever been to a public school before.

"I think there are some pictures on the boards over there" I point to the cork boards with memories of our generation.

"Oh! I really want to see you in your teen years" he says with humor in his voice, his eyes shining with mischief.

I roll my eyes.

"I'll grab us something to drink" I say and go the other way.

I pick a cup to start filling with punch. Rachel got beside me squealing and I'm not even surprised.

"Who. The. Fuck. Is. That. Adonis" she whispered-yelled. 

I giggle to myself.

"That's my fiancée" I say proudly, smiling at myself.

"Oh my god! He is gorgeous! where is he from? I've never seen him around here"

To be honest, I've never been someone who would show off, and I definitely am not used to being the center of attention and source of gossip, so Rachel's interest in me was weird. I had no doubt she would go and tell her friends after she is finished squeezing information out of me. I didn't really care, to be honest.

"He is from Russia. I'm living with him now"

"Wow. Is just... you were always alone during school, always keeping to yourself. Seeing you like this, with a man by your side... Is good to see you are doing good in life" Rachel smiles at me, laying a hand on my shoulder.

I smile at her in appreciation.

"Would you like to meet him?" I ask her with a smirk. It makes me feel really empowered and proud that everyone seemed to be drooling over my mate, knowing he is mine, that he chose me, and I him.

Her face lights up but instantly turns bright red when her boyfriend clears his throat behind her. I try to hide my smile behind my hand, focused on not letting a laugh out.

"So... Are we meeting Riley's fiancée, my dear girlfriend?" Trent questions with a raised brow.

I couldn't help but snicker at that.

Rachel looked up at him with puppy eyes. "Of course, my dear boyfriend! Was about to go looking for you."

"Were you, now?"

Rachel nods effusively. Trent rolls his eyes at her, but smiles, enjoying teasing his girlfriend.

I turn to go back to where Alec is and my body tense when I see Sabrina speaking to my mate, very close to him, her eyes looking up at him in awe. Alec, on the other hand, had a stoic expression on his face. He has on the facade he puts when he is dealing with strangers. He is now the cold, distant prince.

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