Chapter 34

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Riley's POV:

I hear the screeching of tires outside of the house and I raise my head. Who is the maniac that needs driving lessons?

"Riley?!?!" the voice of my mate echoes all over the house and I stand up, confused.

His wild eyes find mine and he runs toward me and with his hands, he checks everywhere, turning me around and even lifting my skirt in front of my family.

"Alec!" I shriek, my face red as a tomato, taking his crazy hands "What's your deal?" I wonder.

I felt his distress earlier, was it that bad?

"You said to pick you up as soon as possible... Is everything okay? Are you hurt?"

My expression softens and I give him a hug.

"I'm sorry. I just felt you were upset and wanted to be with you. Didn't mean to give you a heart attack" I apologize. I feel his stiff body relax and he sighs wrapping his arms tight around me.

"Damn, babe. Next time don't scare me like that"

I giggle, feeling a bit bad.

"I mean, I didn't make you go planning my funeral yet. I just told you to pick me up. Geez".

He grunts, not wanting to prolong the topic.

I say goodbye to my family to then take Alec's hand dragging him to the car. At the moment I close the door Alec pulls me onto his lap and kisses me like he was a thirsty man. I moan into the kiss at how good it felt, how soft his lips feel against mine.

Alec groans. "I don't know how the fuck I survived five damn days without you" says between kisses and I bite his lower lip to keep him in place.

"Yeah, that was a stupid idea"

"You can say that again" grumbles, his lips traveling to my neck where he kisses and suck. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine and I sigh. Gosh, I love how Alec makes me feel.

"Come on, let's get home," I say pulling away to sit in the passenger seat. Alec stays still, looking at me. "What?"

"This is the first time I hear you refer to the palace as your home" he says, his eyes shining, like stars shining in a city that just suffered a blackout.

I look down, a little bit embarrassed of how slowly I've been adapting to this new life besides my mate.

Alec raises my chin and our eyes locked. He was smiling.

"That makes me really happy, my princess"

I lean in and Alec closes the distance to give me a peck on the lips. I don't mention how grateful I feel he called me his princess and not 'Queen'.


When we arrived at the palace, our home, I take his hand and guide him to our bedroom in a B-line, not giving him a chance to slip away where the others might be.

I sit on the couch in front of the fireplace while Alec starts the fire because I don't know how without burning down the whole place.

I do not say anything until he sits beside me, taking my legs to puts them over his.

"You have something on your mind" he says expectantly. I do, and it's about him.

"I felt you were upset during the day while I was away with my parents" I start saying and I notice his body go tense as I expected. "Tell me what's wrong. How can I help?" I ask getting closer to him, to the point our hips were pressed together. "Alec" I whisper touching his cheek when he doesn't answer.

It made me sad that he didn't feel comfortable telling me things. I mean, I knew I was no one to complain, but it would be a hypocrite on his part to ask me to be honest with him when he couldn't be honest about how he felt about me.

I hear Alec sigh and I got the feeling that whatever was bothering him, it included me.

"I--" he stutters unwilling to admit what's going on.

I sigh, disappointed. I pull my legs back to the floor and I stand. I take a few steps before stopping, giving him my back.

"I guess I am no one to tell you to trust me" I say, not able to stop myself from feeling hurt. How good is a relationship where any involved isn't honest with each other?

"But I trust you, Riley!" he jumps off the couch and I turn mid-way, my arms crossed over my chest. I look at his chest, not brave enough to meet his eyes.

I just nod. I really wanted him to tell me what has him so upset, I wanted to help him, to make the pain and sadness go away, but I can't just demand him to be honest with me.

"You know I am here in case you decide to share your feelings with me" I say turning to walk out of the room. Alec doesn't follow me and my chest feels tight.

Alec not trusting me feels me with insecurities. Am I not a good mate and that's why he doesn't want to rely on me? I close my eyes, swallowing the knot building in my throat. I wish I could do more, but I don't know how to be better on my own.

I walk to the common room to go through the window door and go for a run.

I force a smile when I see Carmen and Carter that were playing a Wii game on the big TV screen in one of the walls in a corner.

"Hi, Riley! Wassap'?" asked Carmen, not taking her eyes off the screen, determined to kick Carter's ass.

"Hi, blondie" greets Carter. I frown, that's the first time he calls me that. I frown to myself, my mind too distracted to care.

"I'm going for a run" I say opening the door, welcoming the chill breeze blowing my hair.

"We'll join once I win"

"Hey!" Carter complains. "What makes you so sure you're gonna win?"

"Because you are a better loser than I am" she answers making Carter take Carmen's control and throws it further into the room laughing maniacally while Carmen runs to retrieve the control swearing at his mate out loud, which makes Carter laughs loudly.

"Who's the loser now!" he mocks still playing, taking advantage of Carmen's setup.

I smile sadly. I wanted to go back to being silly with Alec, but right now I was too hurt to face him.

I speed into the woods, zig-zagging trees and bushes.

The wind hitting my face calms my agitated mind and I find myself more relaxed.

I hear footsteps behind me and I'm glad that Carter and Carmen decided to join me finally.

I turn around to greet them just when a hand reaches me and then something sharp breaks the skin of my neck.

I gasp out of shock and bring a hand to the spot injured. I turn around and my expression turns to one of horror when I find Elena sneering at me, a syringe in her hand.

"What..." my tongue fails me when I try to speak. I stumble backward, feeling dizziness overcome my senses, my mind clouded.

"Why?" I wanted to ask. I also wanted to howl for my friends but black spots overtake my view and I fall to the snow, unable to keep myself standing.

My breathing becomes labored as if my lungs were made of steel.

I close my eyes, not wanting to succumb to the darkness but it's like I don't have much of a choice because, without any warning, I see all black and thoughts stop coming.

Alec... help me...

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