Chapter 37

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Alec's POV:

My lycan was fully out, a dangerous aura engulfing me. Everyone could feel it, even the lycans and werewolves posted in front of the door and corners guarding the place, who, when seeing me, I could see their hesitation to attack me. 

I don't give them the time to decide. I launch myself into one ripping his head off, and another one jumps on my back when I launch into another lycan, getting a bite in my shoulder. I growl. I grab the one behind me along with the one in front of me and squish their head together, their skull breaking.

I break the door down while my packmates attack the rest. On my way in, I kill two pairs of lycans, following my mate's sense, my lycan on edge at the scent of her blood.

I rip the door at my left from its hinges and my heart stops. The sight in front of me is hard enough to send me down to my knees, but I hold myself, she needed my help.

"Riley!" I call out her name, my heart constricting at the lack of response.

I rush to my hurt mate, ripping the chains from the ceiling, and letting her fall on my arms. I lower her to the floor and I grab her face with my hands, breathing heavily. I've never been really scared, until now. She was bleeding everywhere, her heart was beating unnervingly slow and her breathing was shallow.

"Why are you not healing?!?!" I growl, desperate to stop the bleeding of her wounds, but I don't have enough hands. "Riley!" I cry and shake her to get a response.

"Alec" she barely whispers. I clung to her body, holding her tightly against my chest.

"Why aren't you healing?" I ask and my voice breaks.

"They... drugged me... an experiment" she managed to say. I notice her breathing getting better, but she was still bleeding.

"Alec? Did you find her?" Felix asks from behind me, and when he surrounds me, he swears. Rebecka and Carmen growl and cry when they see her, Carter stays silent looking elsewhere while holding Carmen closer to him.

"Why isn't she healing? What did they do to her?"

"They..." I have to concentrate and swallow the knot in my throat "They drugged her with something new it seems. It's keeping her lycan at bay, I can barely feel it".

"Maybe, if you force her lycan out, her abilities to heal will take over" Felix advises. Sometimes, in a battle, warriors would do this, when they are too wounded and barely conscious, their team must force his lycan out to heal. But I was afraid of it not working, the drug did a lot of damage to her.

"You need to try, Alec. She might not get into the hospital on time. There's too much blood" says Carter, his body shaken at the sight of his packmate.

I let out a contained breath. I was too scared...

"Riley, my love. Look at me. You need to look at me" I tell her, trying to make my voice sound strong, to sound demanding. Her lycan must be at reach to command her.

Riley struggles, and groaning, she opens her eyes to look lazily at me.

"Alec" she cries, her lip trembling, tears running down her temples.

"You need to shift," I tell her, caressing her face.

"I'm too tired..." she says, closing her eyes again but I stop her.

"Don't you dare to close your eyes on me!" I growl, the panic making it hard to breathe.

She opens her eyes again. I can see that she was struggling to keep them open. So I close my eyes and focus on the mate bond and bury myself in it, searching for her lycan, and when I finally feel her, ever so slightly, I hold onto her to command her to obey me.


Riley gasped, her eyes wide open turning completely black, her back arching. Her lycan has taken full control for a few seconds, to later calm down.

I feel Riley's body falling limp on my arms and my heart stops, dread filling my body.

"It worked" I hear Rebecka mumble. I open my eyes and look at her body, noticing her wounds stop bleeding. Just to make sure, I pass my hand over a cut and relief floods me when the wound doesn't bleed anymore.

"Thanks fuck" I breathe out. I hold on to her body, rocking her, in an attempt to control my lycan lashing out. Her beating heart reassured me she was alive.

"I want the head of whoever hurt her" I growl menacingly, my voice not sounding like my own.

"I made sure to have one culprit alive. It's probably being taken to the palace for interrogation" Felix informs. I nod, very aware that they will torture him even if the culprit has confessed everything.

"Let's go home, Alec," says Carmen lowly, her hand squishing my shoulder in comfort.

I lift Riley in my arms and we all walk toward the cars.

I am glad that I was able to rescue Riley, but this wasn't over yet, not until I had the head of whoever hurt my mate, my love. And once I find them, hell will break loose.


"Alec" Felix says from downstairs.

I hug one more time the unconscious body of Riley and untangle my limbs from her and get up, anxious as to what Felix and his men have found out.

"It's better to be good" I growl, my lycan ready to go hunting.

"My men followed two scents to the next town... It's Elena, and there's a man with her"

I growl not able to restrain myself.

The bitch.

"Get your men ready, is time for a good hunt"

I see Felix shift.

"The problem is that they hid in the middle of town, in a rented cabin".

I laugh bitterly.

"Fuck, she is trying to outsmart us" growls Carter.

"She knows we can't cause trouble among humans" seethes Rebecka.

"And we won't," I say calmly "Tell your men to fetch her and bring her and the men to a secluded area. Do what they need to do, but I want them alive"

Felix smiles and nods, turning around to go give the order.

"But Riley hasn't woken up yet" Carmen comments worried.

I grit my teeth. I wanted to be there when she woke up, but I also couldn't let this opportunity go. I couldn't risk Elena getting away again, I wouldn't forgive myself.

"I need to end this," I say with finality. No one will stop me from ripping Elena apart.


Hello beautiful people! How are you today?

Hope you are enjoying the story so far😊

Have anyone been betrayed by a friend? I'm still struggling with that😪

Don't forget to vote and comment🤩

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