Chapter 41

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I am already awake when Alec wakes up and I open my eyes when I feel him move. He is trying to sneak out of the bed without my knowledge. 

Hell no.

"I knew you'd try something like that" I mock as he did to me that one time. I see his back tense, and then his head falls forward, defeated. "Were you going somewhere, my love?" I smile like the Cheshire cat, though inside me, I wanted to scold him. He owed me the truth.

Alec turns with a fake smile on his face.

"Morning, love!" he says extra cheerfully.

"You are not going anywhere. You owe me the truth" I say now serious.

Alec sighs, running his fingers through his dark hair. He looked troubled and guilty.

"Don't you trust me?" I ask him, hurt.

He instantly closes the distance between us and holds me in his arms.

"No!" says raising his voice. "Of course, I trust you, Riley"

"That's not true!" I counter pulling away from him, my voice sounding high-pitched.

Alec looks at me, like a deer about to get hit by a car. He gives in.

"I just... don't want to hurt you, Riley..."

"You already did by not telling me the truth!" I interrupt him, staring him in the eye, so he knows the damage he is doing by not trusting me.

I can see the guilt and how it pains him the fact that he hurt me.

Alec ends up sighing in defeat, his head falling forward. He then straightens and sits closer to me so he is able to hold my hands, staring deep into my soul.

To be honest, I was scared of whatever he had to say to me. His reaction and his refusal to tell me the truth means whatever he is hiding, is bad, and it is something to do with me. It's what I think. His truth might hurt me and I knew I had to prepare for whatever he had to say, but I knew I needed to be open-minded because he was hurting too.

"Alec?" I whisper in encouragement.

He gives a light squeeze to my hands.

"I was..." he trails off, biting his lower lip nervously.

I'd never seen him like this and it shocked me. I don't think I have ever seen him vulnerable, hesitant, and anxious. And though it might sound bad, it made me happy I was witnessing this side of him, because it meant he felt comfortable being exposed in front of me, though it took him a fight and a push for that.

"That day, when I dropped you off at your parents', I started feeling insecure, fearing that I might lose you to them" Alec finally confesses, dropping his gaze.

I open my mouth, speechless. I wasn't expecting that at all. Losing me to my family? How? I didn't understand. He is my mate for Pete's sake! I'd never leave him even if someone offered me a great amount of money. Alec didn't compare to anything. He was unique and the vessel for my love. He was all mine and no one was taking him from me.

But looking at him now, I realized that he didn't know that and needed reassurance. My heart contracts painfully and I rush to grab him to bring him against my chest. His head nestles between my breast and I hold him tightly.

"Alec! Oh my god" I say, my voice cracking. I close my eyes, feeling a sudden sadness. I could feel his pain, his insecurities, and his sorrow. I wonder if I mislead him somehow, and try to dig into my memories trying to see if I did something that made him think I would choose my family over him.

He pulls away and I look at him with sad eyes.

"Riley, no" Alec shushes me, grabbing both sides of my face. "You didn't do anything. It's me and my insecurities" he rushes to explain. It didn't appease my apprehension.

"Why?" I managed to ask.

He pulls away and rests his back on the headboard of the bed. I stay in my place, trying to give him space, but I was struggling. My lycan wanted to silence all his doubts.

"Because..." he drags. "You found me the same day you found your family, and I know how bad you want to spend time with them, to get back the lost time with them, and I... I'm scared you'd rather spend time with them than with me because they won't live as much as we will and..." Alec falls quiet.

I look at him, my heart twisting painfully.

He was right, I wanted to be with my family, to get to know them. Eleven years was a lot of time and my brothers are not the same teenagers I left behind. They are now adults, they mature, with mates by their side and new roles in the pack. I wanted to be close to them, too scared that any of us could vanish at any moment. Life was unpredictable, and I wasn't about to take any chances.

I hid my face in my hands, troubled. What do I do? I didn't want to spend more time with my family than with him. Alec deserved my time as much as my family, but I also didn't want to give up my time with my family. But Alec was struggling, he was hurting, and I knew I needed to sacrifice part of my life to ease his doubts and insecurities. However he needed to understand that I didn't choose to be in this situation and my family will always be important to me.

I crawl toward him and settle between his legs, taking his hands in mine.

Alec raises his gaze, and I notice how he is holding his breath. I smile at him.

"Alec, I love you, and I'll never leave you or put you aside. You are my mate, and you'll always have me beside you, for better or worse, you'll have me" I start saying. I see him smile and his eyes start shining again. "But you also have to understand that my family is also important to me. I already lost them once and I don't want to lose them again. I don't want to be a stranger to them, I am their daughter and sister, and I deserve to be part of their life as well; but that doesn't make you any less important or a simple observant, okay? I love you Alec, and you'll always be the other piece of my heart, the one I need to live".

He smiles widely and brings me to him, chest against chest in a tight embrace.

"I love you, and I'm sorry for making you go through so much," he says, regret lacing his words "I promise I won't interfere with you and your family"

I pull away enough to stare into his eyes.

"Alec, you are my family"


Hello lovers, how are you today?:)

This was my last written chapter😱😬😅 now i have to sit back again and write. Oops!

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