"like a real gator?"

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"DO YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT IT?" Santana asked. The two were on their way back from dropping Luke off at a dock, heading straight back to the Pogues.

"I'm relieved," JJ sat back, "He hugged me back there, said I was a good kid... that I had a good heart."

"He knows deep down he's the fuck up," Santana affirmed, "I guess thats the only way he could show it before he dipped."

"I hugged him back too," JJ frowned, "I-I just want him to take care of himself. Maybe he could be better?"

"But you wish he was better, for you," Santana took the words right out of his mouth. He placed his hand on hers while her other was plastered to the wheel.

JJ sniffled, "We're both parentless now, should we get illegally married?"

"This shouldn't be funny right now," The two laughed, both realising it was really the only way they coped. Santana snickered, teary eyed and all, "We've got no witnesses with no parents."

"Pogues are gonna be mad we're late," JJ finished her sentence, "It's illegal, fuck the witnesses."

"We're fucked JJ," Santana too frowned.

"At least we're fucked together," He shrugged, only before facepalming himself, "The sentimental stuff never comes out right!"

"You're improving," Santana replied. She was disrupted by texts from Gia, causing her to pull over. Since the two were on a time crunch, and Gia's texts seemed to be urgent, they swapped seats and JJ drove the distance. She hid the phone from JJ too the second she saw the contents of the messages.

(1) incoming text from Gia

you need to get home
as soon as fucking possible

(1) missed call from Gia

don't make me tell you
this over text Santana

(4) missed calls from Gia

i got you a deal okay?

court received the SBI's
update on you, they're not
happy about your prints on
the shells of the gun

remember how i told you
the outer banks was
your last chance?

they think you blew it

(6) missed calls from Gia

"WELL LOOK WHO IT IS, the tortoise and the tortoise," Pope scoffed at the sight of the two, John B and Sarah had their heads in their hands, "Where the hell were you guys!"

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