"miss juvenile 2020"

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"WE DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING AND WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING," Pope panicked as he begun pacing around the chateau, "We need total and complete amnesia

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"WE DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING AND WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING," Pope panicked as he begun pacing around the chateau, "We need total and complete amnesia."

"Actually, Pope's right for once," JJ nodded as he jumped off his chair, "See, I agree with you sometimes, d-"

"Deny, deny, deny," Santana added over JJ, "We can't give the cops something to search for."

"But guys, we cant just keep that money," Kie protested

"Okay well not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara."

"We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs," Kie contiuned, ignoring JJ, "Otherwise, it's bad karma."

"And we don't fuck with bad karma," Santana sighed as she laid even further into the couch, and Kie wrapped her arms around her

"Since when did you two become a tag team?" John B furrowed his brows

"Since I've had time to bond with her over you guys' increasing stupidity," Santana smiled

"Not to make it worse, but it's also bad karma to be implicated in a felony," Pope added, "We gotta go dark."

"If that means we get to keep the money, then i agree," JJ replied

"I don't agree," John B glanced around JJ, then back to Kie, Santana and Pope, "Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole."

"Selah said she once saw him begging for change by the shop," Santana added, "John, you've made your point. This whole thing is shady as fuck."

"But-" JJ tried to protest but Santana cut him off again

"My whole life has revolved around shady stuff like this, trust me on this one."

"Well exactly! We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat who's never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket and all of a sudden he's got a grady white?" John B continued, "Just sayin."

"Think about it, how would Grubbs get a grady white?"

"Prostitution," Pope blankly responded, making Kie and Santana roll their eyes

"Square groupers bro. Okay? flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance - they don't do that stuff in the hurricane," John B then pointed to JJ, "Now what does that mean JJ?"

"They were straight smuggling," JJ nodded, and John B repeated him

"Did I not say this like 10 minutes ago?" Santana spoke up, "I could tell you right now that there's either hella contraband sitting in that wreck.. or whoever owned it has it stashed somewhere."

"Hell yeah princesa!" JJ squealed

"Well if that's a smuggling ship - with illegal contraband inside of it - it in fact would belong to somebody else-" Pope begun explaining his fears, with a few side comments from Kie

"These are only minor details."

"But those people could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid."

"Yeah but we've got Miss Juvenile 2020 over here who-" JJ pointed to Santana, who's jaw dropped

"Excuse me!" Santana scoffed, "Youre not so clean yourself Maybank."

"Touchee darling," JJ innocently smiled back to her, "Anyways, she knows what she's doing. I know remotely what I'm doing-"

"You don't even have any regard for your own safety," Santana interrupted

"Right... well, sometimes stupid things have good outcomes," JJ smirked, grabbing some of the cash he'd stolen, and spread it out in his hands, "All we need to do is figure out a way to get into that cargo hold at the wreck."

"Until then, we just lay low and act normal," Kie nodded

"How exaclty do we do that?" Pope rolled his eyes as he questioned JJ

"Kegger?" Kie suggested and the group nodded in unison

"Text me the details or something, I'm leaving," Santana sighed as she stood up, grabbing her bag.

She was a little pissed off by JJ, she gets his banter and normally wouldve laughed it off forreal but something about it just hurt her a little bit too much.

"Fuck," JJ mumbled, then turned his attention to Santana, "Lemme walk you home."

"I'm good Maybank, i'll see y'all at the kegger."

"Go talk to her JJ!" Kie whispered

Santana had walked out the front, and JJ had caught up to her.

"I'm sorry if that um offended you," JJ nudged her, "I was joking."

"I know you were," Santana smiled, "Hell, I would've said something stupid like that, it's just that y'all don't really know me and-"

"Well let me get to know you," JJ pouted, "You're really just a closed book."

"And you aren't?"

"Okay well what's something you wanna know?" He asked as the two kept walking, "Ask me a real deeepp question."

"Oof," Santana paused, "How come you're sleeping on John's couch like majority of the time?"

"Me and my dad don't really get along," He nodded, "Do i get to ask you a question now?"

Santana just nodded.

"Why are you so closed off?"

"How long do you have?" Santana laughed, "I mean, I guess it's engrained in my brain that everyone out there to hurt me."

"Hurt you?"

"I heard you talking to Kie, Pope and John on the first day I got here - you saw my family are part of a gang," Santana shrugged, "It's not the most child-safe environment."

"I'm so sorry-" JJ sighed

"You've got no reason to be," Santana cracked a smile, "You haven't done anything J. Now, I get to ask you another question?"

"Shoot, Diaz."

"Does Pope or John B have a girlfriend?" She squinted her eyes, trying to bait him

"Pope? John? Uh Pope - oh Pope and John right um no," JJ rambled, and Santana watched as his face deflated, "Why? Do you like one of them or something? Cus like-"

"I'm fucking with you Maybank," Santana tried to hold back her laughter, "Poor bebe, you actually made me feel bad ."

JJ just laughed too, "Okay well final question, what's your love life like?"

"Oh, I'm trying to talk to this guy but I think he's more just interested in a friendship," She nodded

"What an idiot," JJ rolled his eyes, "Who the fuck - wait. ohhhh!!"

"Are you being serious?" JJ pouted at her, as the two stopped walking

"Depends on what you're gonna answer."

"Well if my math is correct - that guy totally likes you back," JJ suspiciously nodded

"I'll keep that in mind Maybank."

2021 update: just to clarify, jj and santana sorta work in the same way in the sense that they're both up for flings? so if it seems like they're moving hella fast it's because they are & they don't really expect to be more than a little summer fling :)

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