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I woke up the next day with my body buzzing with excitement with the thought of nothing but the dance audition for the dance troupe. I don't even know if I will be permanent or will I just be a temporary member.

However, my mind was immediately directed into nothingness when I moved my side and something is on it making me look down and see Sunoo comfortably sleeping. A smile immediately made its way on my lips when I recalled how he stood up for me when he spoke with my dad last night that saying thank you doesn't seem enough.

Indeed, I heard everything dad and Sunoo spoke about last night. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard them raising voices when I'm walking upstairs. I just happen to hear some and I couldn't believe how Sunoo managed to speak like that in front of the Mr. Jung.

I never thought he had this braveness in him but then I remembered his job, he's an elite in a security agency. To be able to achieve that, you have to be faced with an immense training and that could include not being shaken by anyone. Whoever the person is, they should not be shaken. I think that's why he can withstand my dad. I mean, no one in this house have a chance against him. Once he spoke, there shall be no more addition nor deduction.

I cannot wait to show the whole university what I can do. I want to prove them that I am more than just a smart brain or an unwanted mistake. I also deserve to live a happy life.

I slowly get off of bed and into my bathroom to wash up and I did it as quick as I can because I so happen to remember a cafe near the school that just opened. They're only open from 5 am to 8 am for their breakfast menu and I cannot wait to try some of those fish shaped buns. They always serve them for breakfast, lunch and dinner but buying them in the morning is the best as they're hot and they are just made.

I want to treat Sunoo as a thanks for what he did. I plan that if I made it into the troupe, I will again treat him to something. Then I can literally bring him somewhere if I successfully performed for the school anniversary.

That is all set and I hope he will like what I have prepared for him. I mean, for the first time, I feel so accomplished.

I walked out the bathroom to dress up when I saw Sunoo seated on my couch, fully ready to go.

"Yah, you're that fast to wash up?"

"I'm used to it. I'm surprised you're washed up this early"

"I want you to join me for breakfast that's why"

"Hmm. . this early?"

"Yeah, the breakfast menu is only available till 8"


"Oh, we're going outside to eat. There's this cafe near the school. My treat"

"Are you sure this isn't a sneaky way to ask me on a date?"


"Uh what?. . can't you just accept a nice gesture?"

"Well, I would love to have a free breakfast anyway"

I dressed up and immediately, we walked out my room. I told them that we're eating breakfast outside and I know they'll say yes as I am with Sunoo.

We entered the car and he began to drove as I fixed my hair and my uniform. I have to look good when I audition. They might not like how I look. Oh they can't see anyway so no worries. Hehe my mask will just stay there.

When we reached the cafe, it is still so early as it is just 6:30 and our classes starts at 8:30. It is nice to come early as it will take a while to complete our order as they're still some items on the menu that needs to be cooked.

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