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The day went by so fast and before I know it, it is time for the audition and my nerves are all over the place. Am I excited? Am I nervous? Am I scared? Am I so happy?

I fixed my shirt and my mask and my hair before I exit the bathroom. Sunoo smiled at me giving me a thumbs up before we stepped in the theater.

Oh my Lord.

I think the theater is filled with students. And it makes me anxious of even thinking of stepping on that stage.

"Relax. . being nervous won't do you any good. Do you really want this? Because if not, we can go home"

"I want this!"

"Then think about that over and over as you step on stage. Think of that and be determined and dance. Don't mind the audience. They're audience, not the judge"

"Will you . . . will you be there?"

"I can stay at the foot of the stage if you want so if you get nervous, look down, I'll be there"

We walked backstage and I am in awe at how many people are in there. All of these are like me, we all want to get in. I really have to focus on this or else, I might put all my hopes to waste. I can do this.

"Riki . . someone's here for you"

I look back and saw my sister walking towards me. Goodness, did she cut her hair short again? Now I am more afraid to take off my mask.

"Good luck. . you can keep your mask if you're uncomfortable"

"It's not that. . . I'm afraid I might not be able to dance when I will hear them speak about you again"

"What are they saying anyway? I'm curious "

"You're an amazing student, leader. You can do a lot of things at once. While I am stuck at just looking like you"

"Prove them wrong then. Show them how you differ from me. Because we all know I cannot dance to save my life"

For the first time, we had a decent conversation without me insulting her and her just taking it in. I am feeling a little bit guilty now that we're speaking in this manner.

All this time, I have been hurting her when I push her away when all she just want is to be a sister to me. I mean, it's not like she's at fault for looking like me right? Her face is not her choice so why am I actually pushing her away?

"Thank you. . . I'll be confident. . but why did you cut your hair again? Now I look more like you"

"Ok . . I'll grow my hair if . . . you can comfortably remove your mask. Just think about this. If I had a long hair and you keep your haircut, then we won't look alike"

"Really? . . then as we wait for me to be comfortable with my mask, prepare to grow your hair"

"Deal. . if you won't keep your end of the bargain, you owe me your TV. Mine got broken so I want your TV. Ok? Now good luck"

I actually forgot how having a sibling can be a pain in the behind. Not everything is rainbows and sunshine.

The audition officially began and I placed my number on my chest. I'll be going 23rd which gives me a lot of time to prepare but on the bad side, the judges might even be too tired to see me or they will be closing before I even get my time to shine.

As students enter the stage one after the other, there are others who got buzzed out before they finish.

When it was the 22nd, my heart pounds so loud on my chest that I think Sunoo heard because he handed me my inhaler. Good thing for me, his presence made me feel at ease.

He is Human (EN- SunKi) Where stories live. Discover now