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I never thought I would really confess to him this early just because I got jealous over a misunderstanding and because he got jealous of Jaeyun hyung. Is this a blessing in disguise?

I admit, I got like mad at the thought that something could be going on between Sunoo and Sunghoon. I admit, they look good when put together side by side but I have this feeling inside me that is screaming to separate them.

When I am speaking with Jaeyun hyung, it is not true that I disregard him when we're speaking but I am actually looking at their direction and the way he and Sunghoon hyung share looks while talking irked me and Jaeyun noticed it so he made his distance and I think spoke to his boyfriend.

When he got annoyed, I got annoyed too because in my thoughts, I'm like "how dare you accuse me when you're the one who looks close to Sunghoon?". I don't accept the fact that he's pushing me to have a crush on my childhood friend because it is not true.

How dare he tell me I like Jaeyun when I've been meaning to tell him I like him?

I know my annoyance, maybe anger showed on my face when he visibly froze and avoided eye contact. When I pinned him on his bed, I know I have his full attention now and that I have now the dominance so I took it as a chance to verify things to which I'm glad I did because it gave me the boost to tell him how I feel.

And I'm so happy when he said he felt the same.

The kiss we shared is so magical. It felt unreal but real at the same time. His lips are so soft that I want to have it on mine for a long time. I kissed him softly and I made sure to savor his lips as they feel good on mine but I have to part somehow.

I just can't get enough of how fluff he felt in my arms. He's like a baby when I'm holding him but I know for sure this baby can beat anyone up.

I really need to catch up to be tough too. I can't always stand back and watch as he kick ass. I want to be tough too and strong, so I can punch someone when they're being mean to me or maybe when they look at Sunoo inappropriately.

Ok scratch that, but I know something about maybe my life being in danger. So if the ambush that happened will happen again, I will make sure to be able to defend myself to not let them hurt my Fluff.

As we drove to his said company for my training and I'm currently holding his hand because why not? His hand is so soft despite his training to become the elite security in this company.

"How are your hands so soft?"

"I don't know . . maybe I really am born with soft hands that stays soft whatever I do. ."

I however have to let go of his hands as he needs to drive us safely.

We reached a huge building and he parked the car in the parking underground and we took the elevator until we reached an office and without knocking, he immediately welcomed himself in as I follow like a lost puppy.

When we entered the office, I saw a familiar face laying down on the couch.

"Sunoo, Riki! Fancy seeing you here. . "

"Hi Sunghoon. . I didnt expect to see you here. ."

"Ah yeah . . I am just visiting my brother. . oh what are you two doing here?"

Sunoo hyung replied and for some reason, as I held his hand, the feeling of uneasiness was gone when I recall how he told me he likes me back meaning he doesn't like Sunghoon.

"We're also here to speak to him. ."

Just then, the door opens and I immediately went behind Sunoo .

He is Human (EN- SunKi) Where stories live. Discover now