XXVII ( 3 days)

550 36 1


Sunrise, however this sunrise on this particular day makes me feel so heavy. I glance beside me like I always do and a smile broke out my face when I saw the ring on his finger glimmer as the sun hits the gem.

He really said yes didn't he?

I am already used to waking up with him beside me and I don't know how will I manage if he is no longer with me. Will I be alright? Can I handle starting from square one again?

I can and I will. There are many things to do in those eight years. Normally, foxes like him, when faced in this situation will take ten years human time but because he's special, he can take eight years. I will be 26 by then.

I hope I wont look that old. I mean, that's still young right? Mid twenties is still young. And by then, I would have finished college and I must be working by then.

After that, I will build us a house that will take like two years at least.

There are a lot of things to do in eight years and before you know it, it has passed without you even noticing.

"Fluff, take your time to completely recover alright? Don't worry about me, I have plenty of things to do. I will finish college and work and then I will build us a house with trees surrounding it. Tall and huge trees to be exact. So you can always shift

That will take a long time. And before I knew it, you're here with me again.

So take your time. You can make it 10 years to be absolutely sure. Don't rush"

I am speaking with a sleeping beauty making me laugh at myself. Even in his unconscious mind, I hope he heard me.

I carefully shifted my position as I faced his direction taking his hands into mine and intertwining our fingers together.

I stare at his sleeping face taking in every little detail on his skin. He's so flawless, like porcelain. How did he manage this? I can still remember myself when I am in my early teens like 14? 15? My face ain't like this. I have pimples growing on every spot on my face.

After they disappear, I am left with a scar but they slowly disappear over time. But his face, is it because he's a supernatural creature that's why?

As I am watching him, I felt his fingers move before his eyes slowly opened and he looked shocked when he saw me so close to his face. His wide eyes is always so adorable but if he glares with those eyes, it can send shivers down anyone's spine. I should know because I have been glared at on numerous occasions and as much as possible, I wanna avoid that.

"Good morning"

"Good morning. . did you sleep well?"

"Hmm . . . what time will we leave?"

"Before lunch. Some guests have booked this room after lunch so it will give the cleaners some time to set it all up. . . let's wash up"

"You go first . ."

"Why not shower together? It saves time?"

"No . . . "


I pecked his lips before entering the bathroom and wash up as quick as I can because I know Sunoo could take a long time to wash up.

"Your turn"

He then stepped into the bathroom half asleep as I fixed our things to make the worker's job easier. I placed some trash in the bin and wiped the tables. I also made sure that there I no trash left under the bed.

He is Human (EN- SunKi) Where stories live. Discover now