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I was seated under the shade of the tree. I am at the forest where Riki and I spent some time together. Hoyeon actually offered me to stay for the meantime in their house but I refused because I just want to be alone and by alone I mean, alone.

It will also help me think of ways to make Riki remember without forcing information in his brain. I trust him that he will remember me soon but I'm not confident if the moment he remembers me, he will also love me like he did before. His brain might mess up his heart and I am scared.

What if he will remember me but does not love me?

I transformed into my original form before climbing the tallest tree I saw. This will be my bed for the night because as long as Riki is still in the dark about me, I will be doing my thing to help him.

I just closed my eyes as I silently prayed to whoever was hearing me out there that Riki will still love me after he gained his memory.


I know I was supposed to be sleeping but here I am, making a mess in my house. In less than 24 hours, Kim Sunoo managed to turn my world upside down that I am now turning this storage room inside out.

Hoyeon told me that all of these are mine despite me not knowing what the other things are. I am now dumping every content of every box in my living room trying to connect the dots on the identity of the mysteriously gorgeous Kim Sunoo.

I found albums of BTS I remember were my inspiration for my dancing and also some notes I have during high school and college as well as my old textbooks my mom does not have the heart to throw away.

I also found some awards with my name as well as some trophies. I wonder why I haven't displayed them here or in my office yet.

There are also some old paintings and sketches in a sketchbook I remembered drawing when I was bored, mad or just going crazy.

There is however a canvas case at the bottom of the box so I took out the content and to my amazement, it is three paintings of the nine tailed fox. The one is from Naruto, the one looks like something in Google and the other one looks so real as if it is in front of me when I drew it.

I again looked through the photo book that was among my things and again, I saw Sunoo with me. When I first saw it, it somehow didn't do anything in my brain but now, it seems to have unlocked a dusty storage in my brain because I am hearing voices so familiar and yet strange and also a very soothing voice whispering to me the words "I will come back to you"

Could it be Sunoo?

Wait, how can I be so sure? What if he's just playing?

But Hoyeon trusted him enough to let him enter my floor in the building and gave him my address.

"When I come back, I will marry you"

Who's that?

Am I hearing voices in my head or someone is talking in this room?

Looking through everything I dumped in here again, I wanted to see something I recognize to be the foundation of my trust towards this issue. I kept seeing evidences of Sunoo and I possibly being together but I also am aware of the fact that my boyfriend was my body guard.

I just need confirmation that it really is Sunoo because from his appearance, I doubt it.

My eyes caught sight of what look like a box ring and when I opened it, the scene looked so familiar as if I did it before.

Did I really propose?

Damn it, why are there no photos of the most important events? The proposal, the agreement to be my bodyguard, or even photos of him teaching me.

I stared at the box when a memory so blurry flashed in my mind of me on my knees with this ring box on hand and someone so pretty in front of me I can now confirm is Sunoo.

I sat down trying to remember more when my head began to hurt like my skull is being pounded to pieces making me let out a scream.

"Why does it hurt so much?"

I screamed and a teary Sunoo popped in my memory. He's with another person and then a strange light appears before both of them disappeared in it.

How did it happen?

Tears filled my eyes as I held my head before I blacked out, not after hearing someone calling me.


When I woke up, I am in my room with a pounding headache like I drank a ton of liquor the night before.  A towel is placed on my forehead and that's my cue to realize I have a fever.

I don't like this.

"Hey how are you? I heard your scream and ran here as fast and humanly as possible. . . here, have some food before you eat your medicine"

"are you living next door? How did you hear me?"

"Don't question it . . . here, eat"

He seems to want to tell me but is holding back for some reason.

I ate the porridge he's feeding me in total silence until I finished and he handed me a glass of water and a pill I recognize to be the prescribed medicine for when I will have a headache due to some memory.

"Get well quickly ok?"

"If I get well fast, promise to spar with me?"

His eyes widen before a small smirk appeared on his face.

"With pleasure"

Let us see if something will be unlocked in my mind again.

What scares me the most is that, what if I remember him but wont feel the same about him?

I know the memory comes with the feelings and emotions but I'm scared that in my case, they won't come together.
I just hope they do because this person right here is someone I am having the feeling of a strange connection with.

I hope my brain won't fail me again.


This is unpublished so I published it. I hope you like it.

I'm looking through my drafts to see some unpublished chapters and I saw this so here you go .

I didn't edit it tho sorry.

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