Chapter Thirty-Four🌶

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Jearon sighed dramatically as he handed the gun back to one of the men behind him. He turned to them and shrugged his good shoulder. "What a pity." He turned his head back over to where Mr. Hallquist's body was laying. "Clean this up and make it look like an accident." He walked past them. "I've got to find my bride."


Aubrey, Asher, and Ezra sat in the small living room watching an old black and white movie on the television. Asher sat in an armchair while Aubrey was curled up next to Ezra on the loveseat. Ezra hadn't been paying attention to the movie since it started. He wasn't even sure what the name of it was or the plot. It had been three days since they had gotten to the house, and nothing had happened.

He knew that Jearon was injured, but it was unlike him to not pursue what he wanted. Ezra was sure that he would be trying to find them instantly and at least be around the area. He reached over to his side and palmed his gun. He wouldn't go anywhere without it. Neither he nor Aubrey had left the house since coming, but he still held onto the gun. It made both him and Aubrey feel better about leaving the bedroom.

He didn't want to leave the bedroom, honestly. They had everything that they needed in there, but Aubrey had started to get stir crazy in the room. She had convinced him to leave the room and walk around the house. Something that did make him feel better was to get up every thirty minutes and checked every window and door, making sure that they were locked. He never found anything that made him think that someone could get into the house without him hearing something break.

Asher had told him that he had cameras and alarm systems around the house. If anyone had gotten in, they would set off the alarms quickly. That also made Ezra feel better about their safety.

Aubrey leaned against him more making him look down at her. She was absolutely beautiful. She had brought her makeup with her and did it every morning. She was gorgeous without makeup, and she was gorgeous with makeup. She didn't need it, but she had told him that it gave her something to do so he didn't argue with her.

Asher sighed loudly as he stood up and stretched. Ezra focused on the television for the first time during the movie and was surprised to see the credits rolling rapidly on the screen. He looked over to the window and noticed that it was dark outside.

"I'm going to go to bed," Asher yawned. "Goodnight, you two." He picked up the remote and threw it at Ezra, hitting him in the chest.

They both mumbled goodnight as Asher walked out of the room. When his door shut closed, Aubrey sprang up and snatched the remote from Ezra's hand quickly.

Ezra chuckled. "You could have just asked, Princess."

Aubrey looked over at him and smiled. "I like to see if I'm faster than you."

Ezra rolled his eyes as he watched her sit up and pull her legs up under her on the couch. She flipped through the channels until she found a show that Ezra knew he wasn't going to enjoy. He looked at the title and it read, The Housewives of Beverly Hills. Right when the channel loaded, yelling came out of the television.

"Is it always like this?" Ezra asked her while he watched three women yell at each other in a public restaurant.

Aubrey shrugged. "Basically, yes." She chuckled at him. "You don't like this?"

Ezra looked over at her and shook his head. "This is entertaining to you?"

"Yes," she answered him as she rolled her eyes. "If you're wanting to watch something else, I could change it."

"No," he said slowly. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him. "This is fine." He checked the clock on the far side of the wall and decided that this would be a good time for him to check the windows and doors. He kissed her forehead and got up. "I'll be right back."

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