Chapter Thirty-Seven🌶🌶

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It had been a week and there was still nothing from Aden. Not even a text saying that he would look into where Jearon's hiding. Ezra was starting to get annoyed. It was taking too long for him to get to Jearon. He wanted to kill him soon. He needed Aubrey to be able to get closure with her father soon.

There were too many thoughts in his mind for him to sit still. He paced around the house not knowing where to stop and sit down. Aubrey had kicked him out of the bedroom. She had told him that he was breathing too loud.

Asher had warned him to not argue with her during this time. He told him that she was always right. She was the one carrying his child. Whatever she wanted, he was supposed to provide instantly. He was thankful that Asher was going to be here with her when he had to leave. He trusted that Asher would keep her safe.

Ezra stood outside their room and reached for the doorknob. He hesitated slightly before he decided to knock instead. She was still extremely depressed from finding out her father's news and he didn't blame her. He wanted to be there for her, but she wanted her time to herself. She wasn't happy with him wanting to leave and hunt Jearon down.

They've been arguing about him leaving for a couple of days now. Today was when she kicked him out of the room because he was breathing too loud.

Ezra waited but didn't hear any noise on the other side of the door. He knocked again, quicker this time. In his other hand, he held a tub of chocolate ice cream and two spoons. He should have covered the bottom of the tub with a towel because his hand was starting to freeze. When he was about to knock again, he heard footsteps come closer to the door, and the doorknob jiggle.

The door opened slowly, and Aubrey stood on the other side. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. There were dark circles under her eyes. Ezra held her every night and worried about her not sleeping. He thought that last night she was able to get in possibly three hours of sleep.

Her eyes rolled over to the ice cream tub in his hand then back up to his face. "Are you okay, Princess?" He didn't move an inch. He wanted her to let him in, but he wasn't going to force her to move.

Aubrey shrugged. "A tiny bit better, I guess." Her eyes moved back over to the tub of ice cream. "Is that chocolate?"

Ezra smiled as he held out the tub in front of her. "Your favorite."

Aubrey grabbed the tub and a spoon out of his hand and turned back towards the bed. "Come on in."

Ezra did as she told him and closed the door behind him. He followed her to the bed and sat down beside her. She leaned up against him. He watched as she spooned out some ice cream and wrap her mouth around the spoon. He leaned his head back and forced himself to pay attention to the television.

He chuckled slightly at what was on the television.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Again.

He leaned back against the headboard and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "You really do enjoy this show, huh?"

Aubrey nodded. "I do."

There was silence between the both of them for a while. All that was heard was the yelling between the women on the television. Ezra waited for her to talk first again; he was nervous about pushing her too much to talk. He didn't want to get kicked out of the room.

Aubrey moved so she was sitting on her knees in front of him. She held the tub of ice cream in front of her. "Can you put this on the side table?"

Ezra nodded quickly and did what she asked. When he looked back at her, he reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you all right, Princess?" he tried asking that question again. He didn't think that she had given him an honest answer before.

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