Chapter 1

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Date: Thursday, January 6th

"How does it feel?" Calum asks Sophia. He just took the cast-off of her right arm. She broke it by doing a backflip during her floor routine about 6 weeks ago. She overestimated it and fell right on her arm.

"It feels amazing. I can finally go back to doing gymnastics and train for the Olympics," Sophia said very excitedly.

Calum looked at her with a stern look, and said, "Now Sophia you know you are going to have to ease back into it or you could reinjure yourself."

She rolled her eyes and said," Yes Dr. Hood, I know that. Thank you very much."

Calum just laughed at her and said, "Ok little missy, You can go find your brother now." He helped her get down from the exam table. She took off running to Luke's office.

Luke was just catching up on paperwork when Sophia busted into his office.

"Guess who finally got her cast off?" She said walking over to his desk.

"Hmm, I don't know. Was it your friend, Lizzy?" Luke said with a smile on his face.

She looked at him with a look that said "are you dumb." She then said excitedly, "Really Luke? It was me."

Luke laughed a little and then said, "I know Sunshine. I was just messing with you. How are you feeling?"

She walked over to stand in front of him. "I feel better. Lighter. because now I can finally go back to training since as you know I'm going to try out for the Olympics this year."

"Yes, I know but you need to take it-" Luke started to say but Sophia cut him off, "Luke I already know what you are going to say. Calum already told me I need to take it slow and I will."

"Ok fine I won't say anything else. How about once my shift is done us and the guys can go out for dinner?"

"Yes please. Let's go to Texas Roadhouse. I'm craving some of their rolls," Sophia said with pleading eyes.

"Ok, we can go there," As soon as he said that his pager went off.

"I have to go back to the E.D. Go to Michael's office. He should be done for the day."

Sophia nods at him, and starts walking towards Michael's office. She sees him still in his scrubs sitting at his desk.

"Hey Mikey," She says. He looks up and immediately smiles.

"Hey, soapy. I see that you got your cast off. Are you happy?"

Michael calls Sophia soapy because when he met her when she was three. He asked, "whose this cutie" and she wasn't able to say her name properly so it came out as "me soapy."

"Yes I am very happy," She goes and sits on his desk and faces him, "I will finally be able to continue training. Mikey it was only 6 weeks but it felt like lifetime. That was 6 weeks that I missed training for the Olympic trials in a couple of months. I need to be in top shape."

"I know, Soph, I know. Luke and Cal probably already told you this but you have to take it slow. You do not want to injure yourself again because then you would have to take a break again. Let your body slowly go back into it. Promise me you will take it slow," Michael said sternly while giving eye contact.

"Ok. I promise I will take it slow," She said looking at him.

Ashton walked in at that moment and said, "Hey, Sophia and Michael."

"Ashton," Sophia jumped off the desk and ran into Ashton's arms, "I've missed you." She hasn't seen him in a few days due to him being super busy.

"I've missed you too Princess. How have you been? I see you've gotten your cast off."

"Yes I did, I am very excited. I've been ok. Just busy with school." Ashton nods.

"Oh hey by the way Luke said when he is done with his shift that we should all go out to dinner. I suggested Texas Roadhouse. I am really craving some rolls so you guys better want to go or else," Sophia said trying to be threatening but Michael and Ashton just found her to be adorable.

"Texas Roadhouse actually sounds good to me. What about you ash?" Michael said.

"Yeah it does," Ashton said. 

"Yay," Sophia yelled jumping around. Ashton and Michale laughed at her. 

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