Chapter 28

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Date: Tuesday, March 29th

Sophia spotted Michael's car and smiled. She ran and got in it. Michael was picking up Sophia from school today since Sierra and Luke had to go do something.

"Hey Mikey," She said smiling while putting on her seatbelt.

"Hey, how was school?" He asked looking at her.

"It was great. How was your day?"

"It was fine."

"Can you please take me to Angelina's Gymnastics meet? She texted me during lunch that she was competing today. I want to be a good best friend and support her and my team," Sophia said.

"Yeah sure but I will be staying with you," Michael said looking at her.

"Yeah that's fine," Sophia said.

About 10 minutes later they pulled up to the gym. They both got out of the car.

"Oh shoot I forget to tell Luke and my phone died so I can't text him. He is going to be so mad," Sophia said starting to freak out.

"Don't worry about it. I will text him for you," Michael said putting his arm around his shoulder.

"Ok thank you, Mikey," Sophia said looking up at him smiling.


"Where is she?" Luke said starting to freak out.

He and Sierra just got home and Sophia and Michael weren't there.

"I don't know. Why don't you Call Michael?" Sierra suggested.

"Good idea," Luke said pulling out his phone to call Michael.

"...please leave a message at the beep."

"Damn it that's the 3rd time it's gone to voicemail," Luke said getting frustrated.

"Luke breath," Sierra said, walking over to him.

"Sierra, what if Michael and Sophia were taken by those scummy guys that are after my dad," Luke said on the verge of a panic attack.

"Luke, Luke breath. Calm down. I'm sure they are fine," Sierra said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Sierra but what if? I would never forgive myself," Luke said with tears in his eyes.

"Luke, let's not play this what-if game. It never ends well for you. Just breath," Sierra said, calmly.

Luke finally calmed down a little bit but he was still freaked out.

Luke thought, Where is my baby sister? What if she is dead? Or worse what if she is being tortured?


Michael pulled up to Luke's driveway. They walked up to the door and Sophia opened it to be faced with a stressed-out Luke.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

Sophia looked at him confused and said, "I was at Angelina's well actually my team's gymnastics meet. Michael said he texted you."

"Yeah Luke, I texted you," Michael said trying to defend Sophia.

"Well, I never got a text," Luke said.

Michael pulled out his phone to show Luke the text but he saw that it said it was still delivering.

"Oops sorry Luke. It says that it's still delivering. I should have made sure that it sent. That's my bad," Michael said showing Luke his phone.

"Ok well at least I know that you tried but Sophia you know you are supposed to ask me for permission to go somewhere," Luke said.

"Yeah I know but I asked Michael and he said it was fine," Sophia said. She wasn't sure what the big deal was. She was with Michael so someone knew where she was.

"Michael is not your guardian. I am. So you have to ask me. No one else. Do you understand?"

"Yeah... Actually no I don't understand. I don't see the problem with me asking Michael. He is also like an older brother to me. I think you are overreacting," Sophia said.

Michael and Sierra looked at each other. She should have not said he was overreacting. They both know exactly why Luke is freaking out like this. She would know too if Luke would just tell her the truth.

"Sophia Hemmings, what did you just say?" Luke asked sternly.

"I said you're over..." Sophia started but was cut off.

"No, I know. I heard you.That was a rhetorical question. I am not overreacting. I am supposed to keep you safe. I wasn't going to say anything about this but I guess I have to. You did this same thing last week when you went over to Angelina's house with not telling me. When I don't know where you are I immediately think you are either dead or kidnapped. You have to tell me what you are doing and where you are going. If you do this again I will have to ground you," Luke said, calmly.

"What the fuck?" Sophia said angrily.

"Sophia no cursing," Luke said sternly.

"Whatever," Sophia says and rolls her eyes.

"Luke I am 15 years old. Stop treating me like I am a little kid. I am not. I can take care of myself," Sophia said.

Luke could not believe Sophia was acting like this. What happened to his sweet little sister who didn't give him this attitude? Sierra and Michael were also in shock by her attitude.

Michael decided to say something before Luke or Sophia could say something they would regret.

"Soph, why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed. You have an exhausting day tomorrow."

"Ok fine," She said and stomped upstairs.

Luke sat down on the couch and rubbed his hands on his face.

"What has gotten into her? Did I do something wrong?" Luke asked.

"Luke, you didn't necessarily do anything wrong," Sierra said.

"She doesn't understand why you are so freaked out. She doesn't know what's going on with your dad," Michael said.

"Maybe it's time to tell her," Sierra said.

"I can't. My dad and Ben both made me promise to not tell her. I agreed obviously. She doesn't need anything else to stress her out. I mean yeah I feel like I need to tell her especially since I know if she finds out she is going to hate me but I promised them and you know I don't break promises," Luke said with tears in his eyes from the frustration of the situation.

"I didn't know they made you promise I thought it was a unanimous decision. I'm so sorry you are stuck in this position," Sierra said.

"If you do decide to tell her just know that none of us other than probably your dad and brother will understand," Michael said.


Why does he treat me like I am a little kid? I am a 15-year-old girl. I should be able to do what I want when I want without having to have permission. Luke is so annoying. Yeah sure I have cancer but that should mean nothing. I am fine. I haven't had any side effects from my treatments even though I started yesterday. I am not just going to suddenly become super sick. He needs to stop treating me like I can break at any second. Am I scared that this cancer could kill me? Yeah but I am fine.

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