Checking in- A/N

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Hi!! I'm about to write the 24th chapter of this book but I wanted to check in with all of you that have been reading up to this far in the book.

First of all thank you so much for reading this book, commenting and voting on it. It means so much to me.

Secondly, I want to hear from all of you. What do you think of the book so far? Bad? Good? Is there anything I should improve on? Is there anything you would like to see happen?

Third, are any of you seeing or have seen 5SOS on the Take My Hand tour? I am going two of their shows in July!!

Lastly, I wanted to tell you all that if you are looking for any new 5SOS fanfics to read you should go check out these 3 stories that are written by my friends.

1. Life's A Pain by completemess01
2. Life's A Game by mrsashtonnirwinn
3. Place In Me by ghostofyouwonder

Never Let Go ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang