Chapter 32

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Date: Monday, April 4th

Sophia woke up with her stomach hurting her so bad that she wanted to cry. Was she going to tell Luke? No. She has to go to school. She is already missing enough with all of the doctor visits and taking half days for her chemo treatments. Speaking of today she has to get chemo and she was dreading it.

"Hey, Soph. Are you feeling ok?" Luke asked her. He could tell that something was wrong but he didn't know what.

"Yeah I am fine," Sophia said.

"Are yo-," Luke started to say but a honk from outside cut him off.

"That is Hunter and his brother. I got to go bye," Sophia said starting to walk to the front door.

"Wait I thought I was supposed to take you to school?" Luke asked sounding disappointed.

"Oh yeah you were but I asked Hunter if they could so you didn't have to take me. You can now finally get to work on time," Sophia said, looking at him.

"Oh ok well have a great day and I will see you later. I love you," Luke said smiling at her.

Sophia walked out the door and didn't say a word.

Luke's heart dropped. Why is she treating me like this? Oh, right it's because she is a teenager but I still feel like there's more to it. Did I do something wrong?

Luke shakes his thoughts off and get's ready to leave for work.


Sophia was in pain all day. Her friends told her to just call Luke but she said no.

Calum picked Sophia up from school since Luke got pulled into an emergency case.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day?" Calum asked her as she climbed into his car.

"It was fine. Yours?"

"My day was fine."

A few minutes into the drive Calum kept noticing that Sophia was hugging her stomach. He went into doctor mode and got concerned.

"Hey, are you feeling ok?" Calum asked Sophia.

"Uh yeah I am fine," Sophia lied.

"Sophia Hemmings do not lie to me," Calum said sternly.

Sophia was shocked. How did he know I was lying?

"I am not lyi-," Sophia started to say but Calum cut her off.

"Yes, you are. Sophia, I can see you hugging your stomach which is a clear sign to me that your stomach is bothering you. You can't lie to me," Calum said giving her a quick glance and then looking back at the road.

Since Sophia knew she couldn't hide it anymore she told him the truth.

"Fine ok. Yes, my stomach is hurting. Cal, it has been hurting so bad since the moment I woke up," Sophia said and started to cry.

Luckily Calum just pulled into his parking spot. He got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. He was about to say something but Sophia beat him.

"The last time it hurt this bad was when I was 12 and I was-," Sophia started to say but the pain hit her harder and she started to cry more.

"When you were constipated. Yeah I know, soph. I was your doctor. I remember," Calum said, softly.

"Cal, please do something to make it stop," Sophia said practically begging him.

"I'm going to try. Why don't we take you inside to one of the exam rooms and call Luke?" Calum asked her.

Never Let Go ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora