Chapter 14

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Date: Sunday, March 13th (1/2)

Today Sophia was able to get the MRI that Michale ordered. This time it was with a much nicer doctor.  Dr. Mendes. His first name was Shawn. He was 30 years old and Sophia loved him. She wouldn't admit it but she had a small crush on him.

"Ok Sophia, I need you to lay down on this table," Dr. Mendes said looking at her.

Sophia laid down and Dr. Mendes was looking at her. She tried so hard to not blush. He had no right to look that hot. But then Sophia started to freak out.

She sat straight up and said very quickly, "How long is this going to take? Tight spaces freak me out."

Dr. Mendes gently pushed her to lay back down. "It's only going to take about 15 minutes. I need you to be super brave for me. It will be painless but I need you to lay still for me so I can get the best result as possible."

She nodded at him. He gave a thumbs up to the person in the control room and walked out of the room.

15 minutes later

"Ok, Sophia you are done. Good job. I am proud of you," Dr. Mendes said smiling at her.

Gosh, he has such a cute smile. Wait...Come on Sophia you cant be crushing on him he is 15 years older than you. ugh, get me out of here before I make a fool of myself.

That was too late. She was blushing and he noticed.

"Uh... ha... thank you, Dr. Mendes," Sophia said stuttering.

Dang, it Sophia. Why are you like this?

She walked out of the room so fast. To no luck of her own Calum and Michael were waiting for her.

"How did i...Wait are you blushing?" Michael asked her noticing that her face was red.

Sophia nervously laughed and said, "Uh no. It was just really hot in there."

Calum then gave her a funny look, "Kiddo it never gets hot in there. They have to keep it cold so the machines don't overheat. If anything you should be freezing."

"Aww, she is so blushing. Does little Sophia have a crush on Dr. Mendes?" Michael said teasing her.

Really Sophia? You just had to start blushing. Michael will never let you hear the end of this.

"Uh no," She said avoiding eye contact, and then a thought came to her mind, "I have to go the bathroom. You don't have to wait for me. I will meet you guys back in my room."

Calum and Michael both nodded. They started walking toward her room and she started walking towards the bathroom.


Yes, Dr. Amber was suspended but she had to come into the hospital for a meeting with HR. She was so pissed that Luke had his fingers wrapped around his little sister to the point he was trying to get her fired. She then saw Sophia walking into the bathroom. She had the perfect plan on how to destroy Luke and Sophia's relationship.

She started walking straight into the girl's bathroom with a smirk on her face.

"Oh Sophia I have some news for you," Dr. Amber sang.

Sophia froze. She was alone in the bathroom with the monster who told her she should die. What's worse is she doesn't have her phone with her to tell Luke so she was stuck.

"Leave me alone," Sophia said to her.

"No can do. I have to tell you something that you won't like," Dr. Amber said.

"What?" Sophia said annoyed. She wanted to leave the bathroom but she was blocking the door.

"Your mom had Cancer," Dr. Amber said.

Is she serious? I already knew this.

"Yeah I already knew that smart one," Sophia said rolling her eyes.

"No. I mean she had cancer before this last time. You were only 9 years old. It was breast cancer," Dr. Amber said looking at Sophia.


Sophia looked at her confused. "How would you even know this?"

"Luke told me back in med school. He said he had to watch you while your mom got chemotherapy. I thought it was adorable how he cared about his baby sister but what I thought was wrong was that he kept it from you. He said he was never going to tell you."

Sophia wasn't believing her story. I mean why would she? This woman is absolutely crazy.

"You are lying," Sophia said sternly.

Dr. Amber knew she would say that so she grabbed her phone and pulled up her mom's medical records. Oh, would you look at that it says that Sophia's mom had breast cancer and she got a mastectomy.

"I- what? Omg, he fucking kept this from me," Sophia said almost in tears.

Why would he keep this from me? He said he would never keep secrets from me and always tell me the truth. Who can I trust if I can't trust my brother? Wait Michale even kept it from me and I see him as a brother too. What the heck. I am so mad at them.

Sophia took one glance at Dr. Amber and Dr. Amber immediately moved out of the way. Sophia took off running towards her room where all of the guys would be.

Dr. Amber smiled. Yes now they will hate each other and all I have to do now is get rid of Sierra. Then Luke Hemmings will be all mine.

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